Title: Looking back
Characters/Pairings: OCPhilippjnes, ASEAN+3, Spain, America, England
Rating: T
Warning: Swearing, inappropriate behavior, and some cheesy stuff
Antonio grabbed America by the collar, "Don't take me for a fool. It's not that kind of world, America. What you just did is buy yourself a colony so you can force your fucking ideals on her! Don't go thinking you're different from the rest of us, because at the end of the day, you're just one of England's little runts!"
That was when Alfred had enough and next thing he knew, he had punched the Spaniard with his full strength which could have sent a normal person flying. But the man just staggered back, panting. "I am not going to be like England. I'm America, the land of the free! What's so wrong about me?"
Antonio glared at him, "I was never once good friends with England. But I saw how hard he took losing you, and I secretly reveled in his misery. I never thought I'd see the day I'd empathize with that bastard. Look what helping cast you out into the world had brought upon me. I should have killed you when I had the chance!"
...I'm here to make you my equal...)