Title: Still Waters [Part One]
Characters: Juan Luna, Jose Rizal, F!Philippines, and F!Spain.
Warnings: Unbeta’d, as always. Technically Nyotalia, except for Salazar. My F!Philippine’s first appearance.
Summary: Juan Luna has painted Juliana dela Cruz three times - once, on penitent morning, and twice, as the sun pressed against the white of her
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djksalgjkdsla not as much as I've missed you if I knew where you lived I would run through this rain and throw myself at you no joke fkdlafkld; onionsandgarlicwithpestosauceanditaly'spastaawesomeness
I would love to say that I know of connotations, but sadly I only know Noli, not El Fili yet OTL For our school, we're taking that up in Senior year (lolol they knew that Rizal's superpowered bad-assness could not be handled by the students in one year, so they decided to let the two books be taken up on separate years) but hohoho spoilers spoilers I do love them
I think it was 60 years, but either way it holds true. Being suppressed for that long will make any person crave for the wild side /shot. It makes me wonder though why no one's saying anything about Japan. His stay was short-lived, but they surely made great impact on the country as well. coughcoughasiansforasiansmyasstheyjustwantedtopimptheiranimecoughcough
It's all gooood. The wait is always worth it since the quality delivered is just so heart-pounding.
No need to be excused, I am creying infinitely with you.
We gotta get together soon. Have you already been to Mind Museum? I hear it's kick-ass.
I liked El Fili more than Noli, to be honest, but I think it's because of the parallels between the two books being reflected in the story.
Our independence right now is up for debate, so... it's an entire can of worms that I don't want to bring up. And Japan, I'm sure, had a lot of influences that no one really wants to mention OTL
I shall see for myself how awesome it is in 2 months time. Until then, I should try rereading Noli so my misunderstandings in the story would at least be cleared up.
Wait.... what. Since when? Tell me where I can read this up.
Well, yeah... there's that. And yet there's no inhibitions to what Spain and America did to us, and they weren't much nicer OTL Ah well, the past is the past. We'll leave it at that.
But asdfghjkl student fees with IDs. My school has a policy of taking them away right before summer begins, so it's difficult for me to get discounts. But recently, I've developed a new method: showing them my report card. It's worked so many times that it's kind of sickening OTL
(Gah, review classes. My school is being a killjoy again: they require us to wear our uniforms while taking them. Ach.)
If you need help understanding Noli again, feel free to ask (lol, I remember how well that went last time I offered). El Fili is full of references to it, so it's best to still remember.
[It's also full of dialogue. One aspect that I did not enjoy.]
Well, officially, we've declared Independence about twice. In reality, we've done so about six times (historically). There was an article about it by Ambeth Ocampo which I can show you next time we meet. Also, there's neocolonialism to think of, so...
I think it's easier to diss the Spanish colonial period because of how frequent we hear of the mother country in our history. We get so conditioned to the negative idea that it no longer has much impact in conversation or in culture.
And then, everyone in the world insults America so often that this conditioning comes back for all of us. That's nuff said.
Wow, that's strange. But I can see the logic behind it though... Still, sort of unreasonable too. BUT WOW I WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGH OF THAT OMG @3@ Good thinking there!!
(OTL I wonder if our school's gonna do that too fdjkaffdafkl as if it's not enough that we've worn it for 10 months, they want us to wear it some more)
I would love to ask you if only I would remember to ask you XDDDD (oh yes, very well indeed).
[Well, I just hope that dialogue is relevant to the plot building. If not, I'll just tl;dr on it]
Ah yes, I do remember you mentioning that while we had our very interesting discussion at Krispy Kreme [to anyone else who's reading this, IT WAS FOR IMPORTANT MATTERS, I SAY. IMPORTANT rawr] Oh, do show me! I would like to see where that notion would be grounded upon. Neocolonialism... that indeed OTL
That and the fact that the people that have actually experienced it first hand have all passed on so it's not as sensitive to the generations living now.
True dat. True dat indeed.
It's given me grief on my trips to museums and shows. The report card thing was more of an accident, really: I watched Carlos Celdran's Imelda show, and they asked to see my ID. I checked my bag, and it turned out that I forgot it at home... but my report card was in there.
It worked when I showed it to them.
And it's worked ever since.
Well, we're half-day for review classes, so I guess it isn't as bad as I think it'll be. Sort of odd for when I'm on a jeep headed home, though. Ah well.
Whenever you do need help with El Fili, though, feel free to ask. I find it easier to remember than Noli, but that might be because a) it was so effing short, and b) the characters all deserve suckerpunches.
[The dialogue is actually pretty cool, but there are about three or four chapters confined to it. Then again, it isn't quite as action-packed as Noli in the first place, but. Eh.]
The idea of our independence not being altogether here is mostly grounded on neocolonialism, though there are a lot of entertaining notions of when our Independence was finally gained. Some would go for the traditional 1898 date, but others would say 1946 or even 1992. It's all very confusing.
I think I'll stick to my ID, I don't wanna show random people my grades >.>;;;
8DDD thank you very much for the offer, I will ask if ever you're not busy!! But seriously, the characters were that bad? o3o
(daww, I liked Noli's action. Sure sometimes the adjectives could get sort of eeeh but the gist of the chapters were pretty damn cool if not completely hilarious at some points)
I find it quite funny how people debate on dates in the past. I mean, in my opinion, as long as the event took place, all that matters is the subsequent effects. I doesn't really matter when they took place, but rather what becomes of it.
It's my only option, so what the hell. It works. I'm happy.
Well, riding a jeep in the middle of summer vacation with my uniform on would make me feel kind of awkward, considering other schools are prancing about in civilian's clothing. It's unfaaair.
The characters of El Fili weren't bad per se. It was just that they all had their crowning moments of stupid, and that these moments of stupid were kind of hilarious in retrospect.
[A terrible idea just popped in my head: AN ANIME BASED ON NOLI AND EL FILI.]
But Noli is pretty action-packed in comparison to El Fili, though the latter was supposed to have an explosive ending... that never was. It was the crowning moment of stupid of all crowning moments of stupid.
But a lot of people are proposing different independence days that both make sense and don't make sense at the same time, so I'm not entirely sure what's happening anymore OTL
Oh yeah, there's that OTL BUT HEY at least you guys are half-day. I hear ours is from 8 am to 5 pm OTL
Hmm, and here I thought Rizal would get pretty serious in El Filil because of the whole Ibarra turning to the dark side and what not.
D8 what a let down. I was excited for the whole explosion of climax and all those antagonist characters getting what's due to them but oh well. Guess Troll!Rizal strikes again.
Daww, it's alright PaCho D8 /hugs. One cannot deny that this country is a self-governing nation, so that counts, right? Regardless of the colonial mentality.
What the hell. Wai would they do that. It's summer.
He did get pretty serious with a few things. It's just that certain actions seemed pretty stupid from an audeience's perspective.
[However, there was this bit where he made Dona Victorina fall in love with a university student. I don't even know what that was about.]
I think Simoun is the least likely to be made fun of for stupidity though. He does come up with good plans, but he ends up getting distracted and blargrahghaghrhagh.
The thing that subverted the intended ending was the worst cockblock ever. I nearly creyed from frustration alone.
Troll!Rizal forever.
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