[fanfic] Wanderlust - 9

Dec 27, 2011 20:48

Title: Wanderlust

Part: Nio

Characters: Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, assorted 'Family', 'Friends', and European Nations

Rating: Teen

Warning: Humor, Family, (slight) Romance, OC warning, questionable/suggestive language, unbetaed mind dribble

When the Philippines and Vietnam discover Taiwan's envy at their 'worldliness', the two older sisters take her on a trip through some of the most prominent cities in the Western World for the first time. This is a story of three sisters, several cities, the nations they meet, and a good dose of wanderlust.


"Don't celebrate so early, mon ami," Francis replied. "They are still here for another few weeks. There is still time for Spain to discover that we are hiding his daughter."

"He's not going to find out," Gilbert told him, completely confident. "And we're not 'hiding' her. We're merely 'avoiding an awkward situation'."

"Gilbert...," Francis sighed. "Do you ever hear yourself talk?"

"I do! And it's music to my ears!"

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By DamageCtrl

*All Standard Disclaimers Apply: I do not own anything other than the plot and OCs. Even then, they're not that creative.

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"She looks happy," Maria smiled warmly as she watched Mei clap her gloved hands excitedly as a cute bartender served her some vodka.

"Yes," Anh Linh nodded as she licked her lips after finishing an ice cup full. "You would've never known she got lost at Ikea and burst into tears when she couldn't find us."

Maria bit her lower lips to keep from laughing. "To be fair to Mei, it's a very big store," she pointed out. "I'm just glad Berwald had her paged and the staff found her easily."

"Are you going to drink your vodka or not?" her sister asked, glancing at Maria's still full glass.

"I have to toast with Mei," the middle sister insisted. On cue, the blue poncho clad brunette seemed to bounce her way over, holding up a small ice shot glass.

"Sweden! Sweden, take our picture!" Mei said as she fumbled with a camera still looped around her wrist.

A tall blond nodded and made his way from the bar. He didn't bother wearing gloves and easily removed the small camera from the little Asian tourist. "I j'st pr'ss th' b'tton?" he confirmed.

"Yes! The big silver one there," Mei beamed as she wedged herself between her two sisters and lifted her glass.

"S'y D'nm'rk s'ucks," Berwald smirked as he held out the camera and focused it on the girls. The trio laughed.

"Denmark sucks!" they chorused with amusement as the photo was shot. Mei insisted that he take one more, just in case the first one wasn't so good.

As Berwald prepared to take another, another blue poncho clad figure reached Finland at the bar. "I brought their things," Norway said as he gave a nod to the bartender to acknowledge a drink. "I've left them at the front counter for them."

"Great!" Tino beamed. "I'm sure they'll be happy to have some more clothes."

Erik nodded and took a small ice shot glass from the counter. "I've also taken care of that...other problem."

"Other problem?" Tino asked, slightly confused. Norway tossed back a shot before nodding.

"A tall, blond, annoying problem," he clarified. Finland's eyes crinkled up, slightly concerned.

"You didn't do anything to him, did you?" he asked. Yes, Denmark could annoy the hell out of them, but he wasn't completely bad.

"Of course not," the other blond replied calmly. "I just made sure it would be difficult for him to get here."

"Are you sure he's coming here?" Tino asked. "Sweden tried to throw him off." Norway nodded once more.

"Yes," he said as he reached into his poncho. "But he won't get too far." A small, sadistic smirk tugged at his lips as he placed a black, leather wallet on to the counter. "Without this."

Finland's eyes nearly doubled in size. "You took his wallet!?" he choked out. He looked at Norway, unsure whether to be horrified or impressed. "How did you even manage that?"

"He just doesn't pay much attention," Norway shrugged.

"Wh't's g'ing 'n h're?" Sweden asked as he reached the duo.

"He took Soren's wallet to make it harder for him to come," Tino sighed. Berwald's glasses seemed to fog over.

"'kay," he said. "Th't it?" he asked, motioning towards the black wallet on the counter. Both Norway and Finland nodded. Without a word, Berwald reached forward and picked it up, opening it, and took out a wad of Danish paper money. "Th't'll d'."

"Why are you taking his money!?" Finland exclaimed.

"H' t'ok m' b'at," Berwald reminded him calmly before handing the wallet back to Norway.

"And this," Erik continued as he took out the rest of Denmark's cash. "Is for the trouble he caused."

Finland let out a heavy sigh. "Don't you think this is going a bit too far?"

"Don't worry about it," Erik assured him. "He's oddly resilient and will find a way to bother us, no matter how hard we try to lose him."

"Norway!" Mei's voice rang as she rushed towards him with her camera. "Get your drink and take a picture with us!"

He smiled softly and gave her a small nod. "Besides, what is important is that they are having fun." He took the ice cup that the bartender gave him and met Mei halfway. Tino smiled weakly and watched as Mei looped her arm around his and all but dragged the calm blond towards her sister.

"If sh' th'nks th's 's g'od, sh'll l've th' d'nner t'n'ght," Berwald stated confidently.

"Anh Linh was right, you know," Tino said. "You didn't have to rent out part of the Grand Hotel just to throw them a dinner."

"'t's a sp'cial 'ccassion," Berwald stated. "'t'll m'ke th'm f'el l'ke a pr'nc'ss."

"Well, let's just hope everyone we invited can come," Tino smiled. He heard a small sound coming from his pocket and jumped up, surprised. He quickly stuck his hand into his coat pocket and fished out his phone. He cocked his head to the side and opened a text message. His blue eyes went wide. "Oh, no...."

"Wh't?" Sweden frowned. "D'nmark f'und 's?"

"Worse," Finland said as he lifted his head and looked across the room; his eyes settling on the middle sister, naively laughing with Norway and her siblings. "Spain knows."

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"He is calling again! I can't keep ignoring his phone calls!" Prussia yelled into his mobile phone as he sat in the window seat of the train car. "He'll suspect something!"

"Then answer him!" France countered from the other end.

"No! He's going to ask about Maria!" Gilbert insisted. "What am I supposed to tell him then?"

"Just tell him that you don't know where she is when he asks you," Francis replied, as if it were obvious. "You're making this a far greater deal than it is, Gilbert."

The red-eyed former empire snorted. "And how many times have you answered his phone calls, huh?"

There was a brief silence on the other end.

"That is not the point, Gilbert!" Francis insisted, making Gilbert snort. "The point is that sooner or later, Antonio will find his daughter. That is inevitable!"

"If it is, then why are we rushing to find her and keep them apart?" Prussia demanded.

"Because the longer they are apart, the more time Maria gets to spend time with her sisters without her father distracting her," Francis told him. "You know how clingy Antonio gets."

Gilbert ran a hand down his face. "Do you think the little tomato brat is going to give in and tell him where they are?" he asked.

"I don't think Romano actually knows their exact location," Francis admitted. "Even if they are planning to visit him at his house, that doesn't necessarily mean that he knows their itinerary...if he did, there is still the possibility of it changing."

"That's true," Gilbert admitted as he looked out the window. "The only thing certain is that they're going to Budapest of that stupid sleepover...." His voice trailed off as his red eyes went wide. "Oh shit."

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"Romano...," Spain began as he sat down and looked at the phone in his hand. "It is the oddest thing."

"What?" Lovino asked from across the parlor, where he was laying over one of his sofas, covering his face with a pillow. He refused to look at Spain. Making eye contact was as good as confessing, even though he didn't really have much more to confess.

"I have tried to call Francis and Gilbert, but they are not answering," Antonio pouted. He knit his brows together. "Do you think that something may have happened?"

A snort came from the beneath the throw pillow on top of Lovino's face. Of course his two idiot friends would avoid his calls. If they spoke to him, they knew what he'd ask: do you know where my daughter is? They could only lie for so long before Antonio figured out that they were hiding something.

"I'm sure they're fine," the younger brunette grumbled.

"Hmm...," Antonio rubbed his chin.

"Brother!" Feliciano called from somewhere in the hall. "Ve~! Where are you?"

"We're in the parlor, Feliciano!" Antonio called, rising from where he was leaning against the edge of the couch. A brunette bounced into the room.

"I'm almost ready to go!" Feliciano beamed. "I just have to stop and get some things from my house before I take the train to Hungary's!" He looked at his brother disappointedly. "Brother, are you sure you do not want to come?"

"I wasn't invited....," Romano grumbled from underneath the pillow.

"Ve~! I'm sure Hungary will let you stay!" the younger twin insisted. "It will be fun! There will be food and we'll go over all the fanfiction we wrote!" Lovino rolled his eyes. "I know that you had a lot of contribute lately-"

"Shut up!" Lovino yelled as he shot up from the couch and threw a pillow at his brother. "I never wrote any stupid fanfics!" he insisted, his face reddening.

"But you did...," Veneziano insisted with a forelorn look. "Remember? You submitted I'isola di Passione-"

"I said shut up!" Lovino screamed, absolutely horrified, once more as he slapped his hand over his brother's mouth. "No one needs to know about that!"

"I liked it!" Feliciano's muffled voice tried to reassure his brother.

"Un momento," Spain said from across the room. "This gives me an idea, si?"

Lovino could feel dread creeping up his stomach as his eyes crinkled up. Spain with an idea could not end well. Feliciano managed to tug his brother's hand from his mouth and gave Antonio a questioning look. "What idea?"

"If I cannot find Maria, then I will simply wait for her," Antonio beamed, clearly proud of his idea. "Where I know she will go."

Lovino slapped his forehead and ran his hand down his face. "I knew it...."

"Eh!?" Veneziano paled and looked panicked at the idea. "But Brother Spain, Hungary did not invite you! I do not know if she will be okay with you at the sleep over!"

"Don't worry, Feli!" Antonio assured him confidently. "I'll just be dropping by to see Maria!"

Lovino frowned. He slipped his hand into his pocket and wrapped his fingers around a mobile phone. "That's what I'm afraid of."

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"What do you mean I have to move the sleepover!?" Hungary growled. From his seat in the parlor of her flat in Budapest, Austria visibly cringed. "What!? How did he find out!?"

The brown-haired pianist raised a brow. Elizabeta's voice had risen and sounded horrified. Roderich lowered his coffee cup on to the table and rose from his seat to check on her. He walked out in the hall and peered towards kitchen, where he saw her standing frozen by the center island.

"Elizabeta?" he called calmly. She lifted a hand to silence him as she pressed the phone against her ear and nodded.

"Then what are they going to do until then!?" Hungary hissed. "They had a schedule and were going to stay over! Not only that, but everyone has to be notified to of a change of venue-" There was a pause. "What do you mean you'll take care of it, Gilbert!? How is that supposed to calm me down!?"

Roderich wandered into the kitchen and crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. He could hear the sound of Prussia's voice on the other end of the phone, but couldn't make out what he was saying. The green-eyed brunette slumped forward and ran her free hand down her face.

"Yes, of course it's possible to move it in such short notice, but that doesn't mean that he won't find out!" she told her old friend shrilly. Her eyes widened. "Tell him that it's over and that he missed it? That's your 'awesome' plan!? Do you honestly think that he'll believe-what?" Elizabeta sat up straight and turned towards Roderich. The male brunette raised a brow behind his glasses. "...Yes, he is here. Hold on." She moved the phone from her ear and held it out to Austria. "He wants to talk to you."

Roderich wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel annoyed or concerned, but silently took the phone none-the-less. He gave Hungary a hesitant look before answering. "What is it?"

"Move the sleepover to Vienna," Prussia stated.


"You have that house - the big one," Gilbert insisted. "Near the Kaiser Apartments, I know you do. Get her to move the sleepover to your place. It's the perfect plan!"

"Now, wait a moment," Roderich frowned. "You are in no place to demand such a thing-"

"Oh, am I?" Gilbert asked, sounding almost devilish. His voice lowered and seemed to be whispering. "Maybe telling America and Australia about what you did to Maria that one time in your opera house balcony will change your mind."

A sharp breath met his ear. "I told you that in confidence!" Roderich yelled into the phone, his face burning red. Across from him, Hungary gave him a wary look and he let out a small cough to try to recompose himself. "Excuse me."

"So, what will be it, Roddy?" Prussia asked, already knowing he had won. "Move the sleepover or have your ass handed to you by England's two boys?"

The purple-eyed brunette grit his teeth. "I'll do what I can...," he said behind a clenched jaw.

"Wunderbar!" Gilbert beamed. "I'll leave that up to you." He quickly hung up the phone and turned around.

"What did he say?" Ludwig asked as he stood to the side with their bags.

"He'll take care of it," Gilbert confirmed, pleased with the outcome. He looked around. "Where are the brothers?"

"They went off to try to find a hostel," the blond reported. "They should be at the tourist information desk. Did you want to get a room with them?"

"I'll leave you to get the room," Gilbert said as he looked down at his phone. "I need to contact Sweden. Francis said that the girls are here and if they really are, then Sweden will know where."

Ludwig kept a serious look on his face. "Brother, are you sure that this is a good idea?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Prussia rolled his eyes. "Why do you all keep doubting my brilliance - don't answer that," he added quickly. "Just get the tickets and finish contacting those other guys. I'll take care of getting the girls to the train station."

Germany let out a heavy sigh. "I am starting to think that perhaps simply informing Maria that Spain knows may be the simplest option."

Prussia let out a deep breath of his own and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder as he shook his head. "West, West, West...," he sighed. "Their relationship is a very complex one. Maria loves Antonio, but if she feels guilty, he'll take advantage of that and won't let her go. If we can just give her and her sisters more time to look over this wonderful continent of ours, then they will be able to really enjoy their time."

Ludwig raised a brow. "What if she just makes a side trip to see her father or invite him to Rome for the last part of their trip? Then she and her sisters have plenty of time to go about their pre-planned trip and she will still have time to spend with Spain, which will surely appease him and release her of any guilt."

The white-haired former empire went quiet. Admittedly, that made for a better plan. A much better plan.

"It's too late!" Prussia exclaimed. "We've already come this far! Now off you go, West!" he ushered his brother towards the information desk before he could further dampen Prussia's plans. "Call me when you've found a hostel! I'll meet up with you later!"

The tall blond looked hesitant, but lifted his brother's backpack over his shoulder and headed towards the tourist information desk. Once he was out of sight, Gilbert let out a heavy sigh. He looked down at his phone and prepared to call Sweden when another voice yelled.

"Gilbert!" a voice shouted from clear across the train station. The white-haired former-empire lifted his head and tried to find the source of the voice. It didn't sound like one of his travel companions. "Prussia! Over here!"

His eyes finally settled on a tall blond man...held back by police officers. "Denmark?" Prussia asked as he squinted.

"Hey! Gilbert!" Soren's hair was more disheveled than usual, his clothes were wrinkled, and the officers didn't seem to want to let him get far as he waved at Prussia.

"Uh...hi," Gilbert lifted his hand and gave the blond a slight wave before preparing to turn around.

"Wait! Prussia!" Denmark shouted. "I need some help here!"

The white-haired man slumped his shoulders forward and let out a heavy breath. He didn't have time to bail Denmark out of prison, as the case looked, but at the same time, who better to find Sweden? Reluctantly, Prussia turned around and walked towards him.

"What did you do this time?" the red-eyed former empire asked.

"Sir, do you know this man?" one of the officers asked.

He was tempted to say no, but nodded. "Yes."

"Gilbert, let me borrow some money!" Soren pleaded.

"Money?" Prussia snorted. "Why do you need money-"

"Norway stole my wallet and I kind of snuck on to a train to get here," Denmark informed him. "I spent the whole night on the run. Please, Prussia! You know I'll pay you back!"

Gilbert narrowed his eyes. "Can you find Sweden?"

Denmark stiffened. His lips turned into a tight line. "Why you are looking for him?" he asked carefully.

"Personal matters," Prussia answered. "So, can you?"

Soren nodded and narrowed his eyes determinedly. "What a coincidence. I'm hunting him down as we speak."

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"Well, we're spending two days and two nights in Berlin," Maria was saying as she informed Estonia of their plans. "And from there, we're flying to Vienna, since it was faster and wasn't too expensive."

"That's a good plan. It'll save you a day's travel," Eduard agreed. "Then you three are staying in Vienna?"

"We're only in transit," Maria smiled. "Roderich is picking us up and then taking us to Elizabeta's for the sleepover since it's just a few hours away by car."

"Oh," the blond nodded. "I heard about that. Hungary has been telling everyone who will listen about the plans."

The Philippines laughed. "She was very excited about setting it up when we told her we were coming."

"It's a shame you three won't be coming to the Baltics," the blond told her.

"Yes, well, we're on a tight schedule. Perhaps next time," Maria smiled. "I know there is a lot to see. We're not even going to the Iberian Peninsula this time."

Eduard smiled weakly. "Yes, your father is there, isn't he?"

Maria let out a heavy sigh. "I do feel bad for avoiding Papa this time around, but I did just see him not too long ago. I'm sure he'd understand."

Estonia could only keep smiling. Everyone in the room seemed to have been notified somehow that their three Asian guests had been found out by one Spaniard determined to reunite with his unassuming daughter. Finland had been sure to tell everyone not to mention the situation to the girls. There was plenty to distract them, though, amongst the glamorous setting of the old, finely decorated hotel, the music playing in the background, and the numerous bodies in fine clothing not just mingling, but dancing.

Amongst them were an elated Taiwan being lead around a small dance floor by Norway. Sweden had specifically told everyone it was a slightly informal-formal affair and while the men were in nothing less than dark colored suits, the women were free to dress in whatever gown suited their fancy.

Both Vietnam and the Philippines had been hesitant to spend money needlessly on dresses they would only wear once. Lucky for them, Berwald had pulled some strings and managed to get them rentals. Taiwan, on the other hand, had no qualms with spoiling herself for a fairy-tale evening. As Toris cut in and took her hands from Erik, Mei relished the dream-like atmosphere.

She would remember this evening for the rest of her life. Although, part of her did wish that England, France, and their boys were there. They really were rather good looking and she was sure that France could dance....

"I think it's going smoothly," Belgium beamed as she stood to one side with Vietnam and drank some wine. "Your sisters are enjoying themselves."

"Yes...," Anh Linh nodded. "Although, I am a little disappointed that your brother couldn't make it," she added, smiling to herself. She would've loved to see what would've happened if Jan had come, especially after she witnessed Maria and the Dutchman practically glued to each other before they left the Netherlands.

"He said he had something to take care of and apologized for being unable to make it," Bel sighed, disappointed. "Luxemburg and I wouldn't miss it for the world, though."

"Will she be joining us at the book club sleepover?" Anh Linh asked. "I know she's not an official member, but I do recall that she submitted some written work before."

"Oh yeah, Big Sis is really big on Portugal/Spain slash," Belgium nodded earnestly. "She'll be with me when I come to Vienna in a few days."

"Will you two be driving with us to Budapest?" Anh Linh asked.

"Budapest?" Bel cocked her head to the side. "Wasn't it moved to Vienna?" The dark-haired woman across from her furrowed her brows.

Before she could ask what Belgium was talking about, a small cough caught her attention. "What are you doing? Standing here like a wallflower! Come and dance with me, Viet!" Poland piped as he reached them.

The two female nations raised their brows as a slightly tipsy looking blond reached them. "Feliks, have you been drinking?" Bel asked, unsurely.

"Just a little! It's a party!" he beamed. He reached out his hand and grabbed the first wrist he managed to get a hold of. "Come on!" he almost slurred. "Let's dance!"

"But I'm not Vietnam!" Belgium said as she barley had time to place her glass on the table before she was jerked forward.

"It's fine!" Poland was heard as he dragged her away. Vietnam let out an amused snort and searched the crowd for something else to entertain her.

Sweden had invited some of the nearby countries, including Iceland, the Baltic brothers, and Poland. Some couldn't make it. Russia was unable to come in such short notice, otherwise she would've been hanging around him and catching up. Still, the company was pleasant and she was enjoying herself.

A pair of amused brown eyes settled on the Philippines as she sat with Finland and Iceland, animatedly telling a story and then laughing with the two of them. She began to make her way over to join them when she noticed a tall figure seemingly rushing into the room.

"Norge!" Denmark shouted, quickly getting the attention of the entire room. Anh Linh let out a heavy breath and shook her head. She knew he'd show up sooner or later.

"Denmark!?" Finland's eyes widened as he shot up from his seat, a look of surprise on his face as the tall blond loomed over the table with his arms crossed.

"Thought you could lose me, did you?" he asked. "It'll take more than stranding me without money or proof of identification to lose me!"

"Unfortunately...." Norway mumbled under his breath.

Maria narrowed her eyes. While Denmark had managed to dress for the occasion, his unhealthy complexion said it wasn't the easiest thing to do. "Your face is all sunken in," she said as she studied his paler than normal face and the bags under his eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Alright? Of course I'm alright! Why wouldn't I be?" he asked shrilly, making the Philippines cringe. "Do you know what I had to go through to get here!?"

"H'w'd y' g't p'st s'cur'ty?" Sweden added as he crossed the room, ready to intercept the unwanted guest.

"Hey, calm down, Berwald," another voice said as a red-eyed man turned around from the bar, where he had been getting a drink. No one seemed to have noticed him enter, but it seemed his grand revel via a dramatic turn on stool at the bar, drink in hand, had been almost planned. "You said I could bring someone in the FB invite and since West couldn't make it, I figured this guy would do."

"Gilbert!" Maria's eyes lit up as she gathered the length of her dress and quickly rounded Denmark to get to Prussia. She didn't give the tall blond a second look as she held her arms open as she rushed to Gilbert. "What are you doing here!?"

"Surprise, Prinzessin," Gilbert said as he slid off the stool and welcomed the petite brunette in his arms. As he returned her warm greeting, Denmark narrowed his eyes. He had been standing in right front of her...and she just walked around him.

"Why does he get a hug!?" Soren demanded. "I'm here too! I had to sneak across a border, stow away on a train, and was nearly put in jail to get here and I don't even get a hug?!"

"Sneak across a border...?" Belgium snorted. "You're Denmark. How hard can it be for a Dane to cross over into Sweden?"

"It's hard when someone stole my wallet!" Soren hissed, eyeing Norway as the smaller blond looked away innocently. "My identification was in there, as well as my money and cards!"

"Oh...," the calm blond replied coolly. "Was that your wallet?"

"Where is my wallet!?" Denmark demanded.

"Here, Soren," Tino said as he reached into his jacket pocket. "I'm afraid all your money was gone by the time I was able to salvage it." He handed a now worn looking leather wallet to the blond, smiling weakly as he knew he omitted some information on the whereabouts of his money.

Denmark opened his wallet and found only his credit cards and identification, but not a single Kroner. "You've got to be joking...."

"Ahem, well, since everyone is here and that's straightened out, why don't we continue with the party?" Tino began hopefully. He waved his hand, trying to signal the quartet to start playing once more and divert attention from the tall, drained nation.

As the music started up again, Maria finally released Gilbert. "I thought you were meeting us in Berlin," she beamed as she took a seat next to him.

"I was, but then Sweden was putting this thing together and invited some of us who were nearby. I figured that since West was busy, I'd show up," he told her proudly. "So, how has your trip been so far?"

"Very exciting. We're having so much fun and everyone has been so kind," Maria assured him. "By the way, are we still staying at Ludwig's house when we're in Berlin?"

"Oh yeah, he had the house cleaned inside and out in preparation for you guys," he confirmed. "He'll also be joining us so he can give one of his anal tours on Bavaria after your sleepover."

"That's nice of him," the Philippines nodded. "Does he have time?"

"He's scheduled it in," Gilbert rolled his eyes. "You know how he is. If he really wants to do it, he'll make time," he added as he accepted his drink and took a sip.

Maria let out a heavy breath and slumped her shoulders forward. "You know, Gilbert, I'm starting to think that maybe I should've scheduled in time with Papa on this trip."

The white-haired former-empire snapped his head up. "What?"

"I do feel bad for not telling Papa I'm here. You know how he is," she pointed out. "I could've at least had him meet us in Rome, so we could have dinner before I left or something."

A small voice in the back of his head, one that sounded almost exactly like Germany, began telling him 'I told you, Bruder'. Prussia let out a nervous laugh and patted her hand. "Oh, don't worry about that! Spain's busy right now anyway. Summer is tourist season, after all. He has his hands full with all his visitors! He's probably off dancing, making paella, and...you know...other...Spanish...stuff," he concluded lamely.

"Visitors...," a pained voice said behind him. Maria leaned slightly to the side and looked over Gilbert's shoulders. Denmark was sprawled across the counter behind him. "Everyone is getting visitors but me...I had to practically kidnap you three to have you visit me...," Soren sniffled. "Why doesn't anyone love me!?" he cried out suddenly.

Prussia narrowed his eyes. "You act as if this is the first time they left you behind or banned you from a party. Anyway, when are you going to pay me back? The fine wasn't cheap, you know."

"Gilbert...," Maria let out a heavy sigh and slid off the stool. "I'll take care of this," she said as she patted Gilbert on the shoulder and stepped around him.

Dramatically, Denmark let out another snort and turned his head away from her. "It's too late now, Philippines! While you've been here, being treated like princesses by Sverge and the others, I've been going through hell to catch up after you all heartlessly abandoned me!" he choked out. Maria rolled her eyes. "Nothing you can say or do will make up for-"

"Do you want to dance or not?"

The blond was sitting up straight and attentive in an instant. "Yes!"

Gilbert snorted as he watched Denmark obediently follow the island nation towards the dance floor. He shook his head and reached for his drink.

"What do you know about Vienna?" a voice said suddenly. He looked up over the rim of his glass and saw Vietnam peering down at him with narrowed eyes.

"Ah, good evening, Vietnam," he greeted as he lowered his cup. "I do have tons of great stories about it, but I think you should ask-"

"No," Anh Linh said sternly as she crossed her arms. "Belgium said something about meeting us in Vienna because the sleepover was moved." She bore her eyes into the red-eyed male. "Do you know anything about this?"

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"Eh!?" Feliciano's face fell as he stood up straight and clutched the phone close to his ear. "I missed it!?"

"I'm sorry, Feli, honey," Hungary tried to stifle the guilt she felt lying to sweet, innocent Veneziano. "But it was yesterday night."

"But...but I thought it was two nights from now!" the slender brunette pouted, heartbroken. He had been all ready. He even had a small notebook where he had written done several story ideas he wanted to help get fleshed out at the sleepover.

"It must've been typo on my part," Elizabeta said. "Tell you what, why don't you come to Vienna in two nights instead and we can have a sleep over at Roderich's old place. You know, the old house!" she offered, silently hoping that he'd take the bait.

"Ve~," Feliciano said, disappointed. "It wouldn't be the same...."

"I'm sure it'll be fun!" Elizabeta urged. "I'll get Roderich to make us some torte!"

"I don't know...."

"I'll even invite Germany!" Hungary added.

"Okay!" a loud voice agreed. Hungary had to pull the phone from her ear as she grimaced at his excitement.

"Alright then, Feli...we'll see you in two nights!"

"Ve~!" a pleased look graced Feliciano's face as he hung up.

"Well?" Romano asked sharply from behind him. "Are they there?"

"Oh...Maria and her sisters?" Veneziano asked.

"Si, si," Spain nodded. "Are they still there?" he asked, hopefully.

Feliciano's face fell once more. "I'm sorry Brother Spain, but Hungary said I got the dates wrong. They had the sleepover last night. The girls have already left."

Lovino knew it was a lie. It had to be. He kept a serious look on his face as he turned to look at Spain's reaction. The green-eyed brunette looked as if someone had told him tomatoes had gone extinct.

"But...did she tell you were they are going...?" he asked, still clinging to some hope. Feliciano shook his head regretfully.


Antonio's lower lip trembled. "Mi...mija...."

"Eh!" Feliciano waved his hands in front of him. "Don't cry, Brother Spain! You'll find Maria!"

"Please don't encourage him," Lovino sighed as he rubbed his temples. That was a close one.

"But I don't know where she is!" Antonio cried out. "How am I supposed to find her if I do not know where she is going!?"

"Maybe...maybe you can wait for at brother's house!" Feliciano suggested.

"What?" Lovino hissed as he slapped his younger sibling upside the back of his head. "No!"

"Is Maria going to Rome?" Antonio asked. He quickly turned his attention and an intense gaze to Romano. "When?"

"I don't know! She may not even be coming!" Lovino insisted, unable to help the way his eyes were darting elsewhere. "There is no way to tell!"

"But Rome is an important place in Europe...," Antonio mused to himself. It was almost certain that eventually, his daughter would have to go there.

"No, it's not!" Lovino piped. "They may not have time-"

"What a good idea, Feli!" Spain beamed. "I will go wait in Lovino's house!"

Romano paled. "No!"

.oOo._____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo.
"Everything is going according to my awesome plan, Francis," Prussia said as he stood in the train platform at Mammo. The Nordics were seeing off the three sisters as he waited for Germany to join them. He stood off to the side, out of hearing range as he spoke to his friend. "Roderich said that the sleepover has been moved. Now, even if Tonio shows up in Budapest, no one will be there!"

"Don't celebrate so early, mon ami," Francis replied. "They are still here for another few weeks. There is still time for Spain to discover that we are hiding his daughter."

"He's not going to find out," Gilbert told him, completely confident. "And we're not 'hiding' her. We're merely 'avoiding an awkward situation'."

"Gilbert...," Francis sighed. "Do you ever hear yourself talk?"

"I do! And it's music to my ears!"

"Gilbert!" Maria's voice called. "Ludwig's here! We're going to board soon!" she called from down the platform. Gilbert gave her a wave to acknowledge her.

"I'll be right there!" he called back. "I have to go. The night train to Berlin is leaving and when we get there, West has a full schedule of sightseeing to do. Let me know if you hear anything from Antonio!"

"Oui, have a good trip." Prussia's ears were met with a dial tone before he touched a little red phone symbol on the screen of his mobile. He turned around and shoved the device into his pocket as he marched his way down the platform, to the overnight sleeper car.

As he climbed aboard, he found his brother standing to the side, waiting for the three sisters to pile into their three-person sleeper so he could get past. The two nodded to each other before Gilbert peeked into the narrow hall. "Are you girls alright?"

"Almost," Vietnam said as she grit her teeth and shoved the last of their bags into the seemingly cramped sleeper. She scowled. "Mei! Don't put your bag there! I need to move this one on top of Maria's!"

An incoherent whine, which sounded like the youngest of the three, came from within and some shifting was heard. A second later, Maria's pained yell of 'aray' was heard, followed by "Mei, watch where you are putting that!"

"I'm sorry, Jie-jie!" the youngest cried out in response.

"Just give me your bag!" a frustrated voice ordered. A few grunts were heard and Anh Linh finally seemed to manage to put her bag in place.

"There!" she said, self-satisfied. She began to squeeze into their sleeper and gave the two a nod of her head. "Goodnight!"

"Have a good rest," Ludwig nodded in response.

"Sweet dreams, ladies!" Gilbert beamed. Their door slid shut with a firm tug and click. "Okay, so what's our number?"

"54," Ludwig replied as he lead the way to their sleeper. "Bruder, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What? Bringing the girls to Germany? You know it was on their to-do list," Gilbert brushed off easily as they walked further down the car. "Anyway, did you get everything ready for their stay? Roderich will pick them up in Vienna, so we'll drop them off at the airport."

"Ja, everything is ready. I have all the reservations and the pre-paid tickets," Ludwig said as he made sure to check his satchel. He nodded to himself, but couldn't help but frown. "Still, Bruder...I can't help but think that we forgot something."

.oOo._____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo.
"What do you mean they left yesterday!?" Alfred exclaimed as he stood outside in a full blue parka that had been provided by the ice bar. He waved his gloved hands above his head as his brothers ignored him in favor of clinking their ice glasses and drowning some vodka.

Tino smiled weakly. It wasn't his fault exactly, but he supposed America was bound to express his frustration to whoever broke the news. Convenient how Norway and Denmark had gone missing.

"We saw them off yesterday night," Finland offered.

"Saw them off where?" America stressed as he narrowed his eyes behind his thin rimmed glasses.

Tino looked over his shoulder. Sweden was explaining the superiority of his vodka to all others to the other two siblings. "Er...to...um...Germany."

"Germany?" Alfred narrowed his eyes more so. His voice seemed to deepen as an irritated look graced his face. "Germany," he spat out.

He had known something was strange the night before. He just knew it! Ludwig and Gilbert were supposed to be staying with them the night before, but when he had gone by to ask if they wanted to join them for dinner, no one answered the door. He had thought that perhaps they had just gone to sleep, but now he realized what had happened.

The brothers had ditched them.

"Alfred!" Daniel beamed as he lifted up an ice glass. "You've got to try this-"

"Those little traitors!" Alfred scowled. Daniel jerked his head back as Matthew winced. "Where is my phone!" The blond began running his hands over his parka, swearing as he realized he couldn't feel much through gloves, and stalked off to remove them and continue his search.

"Uh...," Matthew said as he put his cup back on the counter. "Thanks for the drinks, guys," he said as he gave both Sweden and Finland apologetic looks. "But, I better get out there and make sure Al's okay."

"Drinks are on us, yea?" Daniel added with an equally apologetic smile as he patted Sweden on the shoulder and gave Finland a nod. Before either could disagree, Australia was already running out the door, after his brothers.

Tino let out a heavy breath and groaned. "S'kay," Berwald said as he took a seat beside him.

Finland couldn't help but look out the windows of the ice bar, to where America was frantically tugging off his gloves while his brothers seemed to be talking to him. "I just hope that Alfred doesn't do anything...crazy."

"Freddie, I reckon the craziest idea I've ever heard you spout," Daniel told the older blond seriously. "You can't call him!"

"He's right, Al," Matthew said as he finished paying for their drinks. "Remember what Prussia said!"

"I know what Prussia said and the bastard betrayed us!" Alfred frowned as he finally managed to rid himself of the parka and shove his hands into his pocket to fish out his phone. "I trusted him. I was willing to help him. And what does he do? Runs off with them in the middle of the night!"

"Alfred...," Matthew sighed, exasperated.

"No one messes with America and gets away with it!" Alfred insisted determined as he scrolled through his phone's call list before selecting a number and bringing the phone to his ear. "I should've gotten involved sooner.... Stupid Prussia and his stupid plan...."

"But, Alfred-" Daniel began.

"Quiet, Daniel! Your big brother is on the phone!" the blond cut him off dismissingly. Australia rolled his eyes as Canada gave him a sympathetic pat.

"I can't believe he's actually going to call-"

"Hola! Buenos dias!" Somehow, Spanish coming from Alfred always seemed wrong. It wasn't that they thought he couldn't speak it - he had a massive Spanish-speaking population. It wasn't that they thought he had forgotten - a large portion of him once belonged to Spain. It was that when he spoke it, they expected broken, heavily accented Spanish. What they heard instead was a relatively coherent Latin American Spanish, complete with rolled r's and the use of 'ustedes'. It seemed so wrong. "Bien, y usted?"

"He used usted," Canada frowned. "He's sucking up."

Daniel ran his hand down his face as Alfred continued to happily chat with the man on the other end of the line. He couldn't make out what his brother was saying, but he knew Maria's name when he heard it.

"Bueno! Nos vemos en Roma! Adios!" Alfred smirked almost devilishly. "España."

A groan escaped Daniel's mouth as Alfred lowered his phone. Before he could dial the next number on his list, he felt a hand slap him upside the back of his head and for a moment, he thought England had appeared.

"What are you thinking!?" Canada cried out, half terrified that Alfred would punch him back and half panicked at what his brother had jut done. "Calling Spain and telling him Maria is here and going to Rome!? Have you lost your mind!?"

Alfred rubbed the back of his head with one hand and gave his brother a confused look. "Mattie, did you just hit me?"

Matthew's face only reddened. "Alfred!"

"Relax," the other blond assured him as he lifted his phone and brought to his ear. "I have it under control."

"How do you have this under control?" Australia demanded. "You just told the one man she is trying to avoid that she's here and where to find her!"

"It's not like he doesn't already know," Alfred snorted. "Besides, I've got this. There is only one person who can make any meeting between Spain and the Philippines better, no matter how weird Spain gets."

"Alfred," Matthew frowned. "I know your intentions are good...I think," he added reluctantly. "But you can't solve everyone's problems! Especially if you help cause them!"

"I can and I will," America merely grinned. His brothers glared at him and he brushed them off easily. "Oh, don't give me those looks. I said I've got this."

Daniel was rubbing his head. "And how-"

"Hey!" Alfred stood up straight as he beamed into the phone. "Sorry to bother you, man, but we have a slight problem on our hands." There was a pause and the other two nations looked at Alfred critically. Neither was sure whom he had contacted. "What? I didn't even tell you who! I'll pay for your flight, just get your butt here." His brothers exchanged looks. It seemed as if Alfred didn't have it as under control as he claimed. "Oh, yeah?" Alfred asked, looking smug. "Maria," he stated simply. There was another pause. They heard a man's voice answering. "Great," Alfred beamed triumphantly. "I'll pick you up at FCO in like, a few days," he glanced over at his other two siblings. "Bro."

.oOo._____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo.
Omake Postcard

To: Readers
From: Damagectrl

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for your patience these last few months. I'm sorry for not updating in quite some time. Things have been rather busy lately with work, personal projects, and my trip to Zambia, where my accent coupled with my face confused everyone (I'm not going to lie - it was funny). Zambia was awesome and I wish I could've stayed longer. The sunsets were breath-taking, the people were nice, and I managed to get some color on my legs. For a month nicknamed "suicide month", it was rather pleasant and the breeze from the river was great.

I rode an elephant, walked with lions, and swam in a pool on the edge of one of the largest waterfalls in the world. I saw hippos, crocs, and warthogs, I had conversations with South Africans, Brits, a lady from Trinidad, and an woman from La Union (Ilocano wanderlust, indeed) now living in England who was in transit to visit her kids in Germany. I also spent more time than a person should at LHR....

All in all, for such a short trip, it was pretty awesome. Bug bites, though...are not. =_=;; If I had a chance to do it again, I still totally would. Here is my little postcard to you! :3 It's on my crappy tumblr.

~ Damagectrl

.oOo._____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo. _____ .oOo.
A.N. - Thank you for reading! I'm very sorry for such a long delay. I've been quite busy with quarter/regular yearend stuff at work and conventions and what not. I'm really trying to just enjoy my shut down period and vege for a while. Still, I want to write! Even if no one else seems to be on the comm these days!

What does America have up his sleeve? Will the girls get to enjoy their vacation and their sleepover? Will Feli get him with his fanfiction? ... It's my crack fanfic, I can write what I want. \o/ Also, I cannot write Sweden talking for the life of me. Next time, I'm just going to write him without so many apostrophes.

Thanks for reading!

oc: philippines, char: vietnam, char: america, author - damagectrl, char: taiwan, char: spain

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