Title: Lost Direction
Author: Vintage_Handle (me)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Juan (main), Maria, Antonio, Alfred, unnamed Nations and an unnamed woman
Rating: T for sexual references
Warning: None
Summary: Two shots about Juan: an old, disillusioned and lone young man. Basically an angst-fest (or Fail!Angst, if you think so)
When she stumbled, many fought to catch her. She landed on a throne of arms; loving, tender, strong arms. Her smile was grateful and their smiles hid more secrets than she did. Or maybe she hid a lot, as well. I barely knew her anymore.
And I felt even more dizzy. I slowly turned around and walked away, almost tumbling onto the floor. Nobody was there to hold me up. Nobody was there to open the door or take the half-empty glass from my hand that threatened to fall. Maybe if the shards scattered and the glass broke noisily -- edges cutting and skin bleeding -- then perhaps someone would see me.
But I sighed and dropped the glass gently on a table. Its contents spilled, but the liquid was the same color as that of the cloth. It was almost invisible. There would be no stain.
I could laugh at how strange I have become. )