Title: Bacon and Eggs (Retazo)
Characters/Pairing(s): Maria (F!Piri), Alfred, LuzViMinda; no pairings (sorta)
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: They are an ordinary family now. Hispanic-Asian mother. American father. Three children.
"Mama! Mama!"
Maria turns around and finds her son burying his face in her hip. He holds onto her like she is the the only thing he stands for.
"What's wrong, Minda?" she asks, her fingers running through his hair. She smiles and he hugs her tighter. She gives comfort like how only a mother can.
"Luz is being mean again."
Maria shakes her head. When her sons argue it seems like the end of the world.
But it isn't.
So, she smiles and pretends to scold the young boy peeking from the staircase.
"Don't bully little Minda, Luz. You know that's not nice,"
( Retazo de mi pasado )