Title: Silver Butterfly
Part: One (Al's Story)
Characters: OC Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Asian Countries, America
Pairings: AmericaFem!Mex
Warning: OLDER TEEN - Alternate Universe, OCPhilippines, Historical Inaccuracy, Supernatural, Character Death (because there is a ghost), this story does not reflect the writer’s cynical views on war.
Summary: She was excited. It was her first time away from home, going off to college in Manila. She had her classes, a roommate from Taiwan, and a nice new apartment in a haunted building.
They’d get married and raise a family. Toni came from a big family, she’d probably want a lot of kids, but God, if that’s what she wanted, he was more than willing to help. He chuckled to himself.
One more mission.
Explosions rocked the ground beneath them, making their jeep ride more bouncy than it normally was. The sound of whistles coming from the air on all sides was a tell tale sign of what was about to come.
“We’re under attack!”
Silver Butterfly
By DamageCtrl
*All Standard Disclaimers Apply: I do not own anything other than tweaks in the story, which is actually a relatively popular sort of story/legend.
Manila, February 1945
“How’s our little cry-baby today?” an amused voice chuckled as they slapped the young GI’s back. The blond jerked forward with the force, but grinned good-naturedly.
“Cry-baby, huh?” the blond snorted under his helmet as he scooted over and let his fellow soldier on to the back of the jeep with him. “Let’s see how you hold up if you were in my situation.”
“Corporal Davis, leave Jones alone,” their commanding officer grumbled in annoyance as several other soldiers snickered at their compatriot. “Think you’re all big men here? The boy just found out his girl’s alive, you little bastards. You’d be crying tears of joy, too.”
“We’re just joking, Jonesy,” a soldier across from him nodded in his direction. “We’re real happy for you. Honest.”
The blue-eyed blond nodded understandingly, though his mind was else where. His unit could tease him all they wanted. They couldn’t bring down the sheer joy he was feeling when the radio transmission they received the other day confirmed that the American nurses who had been held hostage in Manila were alive and well.
Names of the nurses were relayed and when he heard “Antonia Bernal” amongst them, he had cried with relief so strong, he thought he would drown in it. Antonia, his sweetheart all through high school in Los Angeles, was alive.
“We’ll be seeing them tonight, after this mission, Jonesy,” another soldier assured him. “Then you can kiss your girl all you want.”
Several guffaws filled the back of the military jeep as the engine roared and the machine jerked to life. One more mission. One more, and he’d see her again.
He smiled slightly to himself, unable to keep the soft expression off his face. He couldn't wait to see her. And then he would ask her. He didn’t have a ring on him and he hadn’t planned some elaborate backdrop, but Toni was a simple girl. He was sure she’d be okay with him just dropping on to one knee and proposing.
Yeah…he could see her face now. Her flushed, soft cheeks…her dark, curly hair…and the infectious smile in her twinkling brown eyes. They’d return back to Los Angeles together and settle in the suburbs, somewhere. No where fancy…maybe Glendale or Pomona.
They’d get married and raise a family. Toni came from a big family, she’d probably want a lot of kids, but God, if that’s what she wanted, he was more than willing to help. He chuckled to himself.
One more mission.
Explosions rocked the ground beneath them, making their jeep ride more bouncy than it normally was. The sound of whistles coming from the air on all sides was a tell tale sign of what was about to come.
“We’re under attack!” their sergeant growled as the jeep came to a stop on the muddy road they were traveling on.
“Sarge!” a voice said from the from the jeep. “We just got a confirmation from town! There’s been some explosions!”
“Get ready to deploy!” another voice was ordering. The soldiers were jumping out of the back of the jeep, clutching their rifles.
More whistles came, this time from their side. Chunks of earth were throw up in the distance bombs were dropped from the metal birds in the sky. Alfred prepared to jump off the back of the jeep.
The communication specialist's voice rang out. "The units at the university have been attacked, sergeant! The Major wants to send some of the men back!"
He didn't hear the last sentence. Only the first echoed in his mind and Alfred Jones froze.
“What!?” he heard his commanding officer yell. “Which university!?”
He could hear its name over the sound of explosions and for a moment, he wished he hadn't.
His heart dropped.
Toni was a POW at that university. She was still there.
“You're lying!” he shouted as she shoved back, past several more soldiers and worked his way to the front of the jeep. "That can't be right! We flushed them out!"
“Jones! What the hell do you think you’re going!?” his commander growled as he grabbed the soldier. “Get out there!”
“I need to know!” he cried out as he was forcibly turned around. “What happened there!? What about the nurses!?” He was shoved out the back, but turned desperately to the man still holding an earphone to his head. “Jerry! Please! You have to tell me!" You know she's there!. "What happened!?”
He barely caught the somber look on the radioman’s face as he turned away. He could feel his heart freeze as his breathing seemed to stop.
“No…,” he said as he shook his head slowly. “No! No, they were liberated! They’re fine!”
“You’re lying!” he screamed as he tried to jump back.
“Tell me you’re lying!”
“Jones! Listen to me!” his commander yelled as he grabbed his shoulders. “Get your head on straight! You’re a fucking soldier! Screaming at Jerry ain't gonna help your girl!”
Tears were streaming down his eyes.
Toni. His Antonia.
With her sunken cheeks…her hallow eyes…her blood-stained hair. Laying in half buried beneath a mountain of rubble.
His hands tightened against his rifle.
He couldn’t hear the world outside any more. He just wanted Antonia, safe in his arms. His blue eyes narrowed.
And he would kill the bastards that took that away from them.
Gun shots rang in silence. Screams from members of his unit went unheard. Grunts of enemy soldiers were mute. Bombs whistled without a noise.
The earth trembled beneath him as the vibration of the rifle coursed through his body with each shot fired...and then…nothing.
“Babe, do you like Glendale or Pomona better?
Doesn’t matter, as long as I’m with you.”
Author's Notes: During WWII, several units of American Army and Naval nurses (the Angels of Bataan) became POWs (prisoners of war) and during their time as POWs, continued their nursing duties. Those interned at University of Santo Tomas were liberated in February 1945, but many had suffered massive weight loss and some had pyschological trauma. In the story, Fem!Mex (Antonia) is a Mexican-American of Spanish-Mestizo background and grew up in Los Angeles with Alfred. Alfred joined the military and Toni became a nurse for the army. GI an American soldier (and their equipment). Glendale, California and Pomona are two towns in Los Angeles county.
Now...here is something some people may not want to read:
Any pending fanfiction I have here will not be completed. Silver Butterfly, Bleed For Me,
vivalalixi 's Mafia request, and the Aussie random fics will not be completed.
Due to loss of writing mojo (read: something else caught my attention) and a hectic schedule (read: pre-convention preparations, work, and upcoming vacation), I will be unable to focus on the fanfics. As a result, I've decided that rather than leave you all hanging, I should just clearly state that they will never be completed and give you closure.
That being said, I'd like to thank all the people who dropped by and read my brain dribbles this past year. I've meet some wonderful people online and am very happy with the amount of comraderie and over all friendliness of the LJ comm. I'm very glad my brain dribbles brought many new people to the comm.
There are plenty of talented writers here, so I can now vanish without a trace (except to all of you on DA and FB who know who I am...) without much regret.
♥Thank you all very, very much for reading and for your patience. I apologize sincerely for leaving you all hanging with the fanfics.
I know I have one more piece of fanart to post up and I will post it up as soon as I get around to it. I'll occasionally drop by to read fics and stuff, but otherwise, this is probably the end of my writing here. Thank you, thank you, a hundred times over!
Much love,
damagectrl PS - Questions? Comments? Concerns?