Hetalia Day 2010 Photos!

Oct 26, 2010 19:47

Hey guys! So here are the few pictures I was able to take last Saturday in our Hetalia meet up!

Personally, it wasn't as fun as i wanted it to be but not as bad as i though it would be. And that's cause i was too shy to try and talk to anyone lol. My shyness will be the death of me, i swear. But everyone was cool and had lotsa fun anyway, so yeah.

First time posting anything in LJ so this is probably going to be messy

SO it kind of took me a while to gather the guts to ask people if i can take their photos xD I was actually supposed to cosplay but was kind of intimidated when i saw everyone so perfectly in character with their clothes so... i chickened out. I probably looked like a lost kid there ;A; Its my first time going to something like this lol.


I was actually about to back out and go home until I saw a Norway! I love Norge <3 xD

I was too shy to ask the Nordics for a photo here so yeah. this totally isn't a failed attempt at Norway stalking. not at all.

First group I gathered the guts to approach! + Belgium is super pretty!

Hey, I'm not taking stalker pics anymore! Liechtenstein is being independent right thar! o /


Italy and Sealand, uhyoooo~

Random shots from afar starting here. Greece and Norway look like they're mad at someone over there lol

ITALY SANDWHICHHHHH o hai thar America

I kept laughing so hard whenever the Prussias did this xD my friend said she heard you guys call this part of the dance Fucking chicken? idk lol, probably misheard.

Made in Korea De-ze~!

Prussia, Hungary, wat you 2 doin'?


cropped from another photo but I didn't even notice I caught Prussia jumping until i was editing!

Where the photo above was taken. when you see the rightmost Prussia, you shall shit brix.

More in facebook~

Anyhow, I had an awesome time, nevertheless! Everyone looked super cool!

oh yeah, btw. There was this one Prussia (Ami, i think?) who asked me if i wanted to join the dance and i kind of shouted "no!" then I was like, "no, its okay" lool. i fail. Sorry about that!

Oh, will there be any other anime cons/hetalia meet ups before the year ends? We should totally have a halloween/christmas/new year or whatever one xD I would love to see the people who went here again :)

Oh yeah, do you guys have dA or Tumblr or whatever? It would be nice to know who's actually who lol

idk.. i should talk to you guys but i feel like you guys might find me "feeling close" or something? is it fine when you just talk to other cosplayers orz

oh yeah, i hope its okay to say this here but did you guys make your own costumes or buy them somewhere? especially to those who have cosplayed Belgium before, I'm planning to do her next time~

Thanks to everyone who made this event possible and making it awesome! Can't wait for the next one :3 and I'll actually mingle and talk okay xD

hetalia day 2010, cosplay, event: aftermath

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