Title: an eagle, invisible beavers and a lonely wurst
Characters: America, Canada, Gilbert (w/ Hungary and Austria feeling awkward...sort of)
Warning: Doodly. First attempt on Graffiti app.
Summary: It started when I discovered the Graffiti tool in Facebook~
Also nao
in my dA~ 1.
chibi al request in exchange for the chibi matthew in a beaver suit request. I was listening to Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA"...a-and this happened
2. doodled on my own wall because I still have a moe-hard on on beaver suit!matthew
3. still not enough, I told
that I will also doodle her a beaver suit!matthew. t-the face, don't ask...
heartwarming PrusHun fan art which spawned a conversation that leads to 'My Best Friend's Wedding' and I told her about the song and i don't wanna draw another eagle so....wursts
I'm tempted to draw aussie in a platypus suit idk.../BANDWAGON