Rules and Regulations

Dec 02, 2020 09:40

It might seem like there's a lot of these, but most of them are fairly straightforward and simple.

The rules of this place are as follows:

  1. You do not talk about Fight Club.
  2. You do not talk about Fight Club.
  3. No trolling, no wank. I reserve the right to tell you guys to play nice if I think things are getting out of hand.
  4. This does not, however, mean that we can't talk about controversial topics. What you choose to write about is your own prerogative; as long as the discussion is kept civil, you're fine.
  5. Constructive crit of WIPs is more than welcome, but no flames. (Flaming= "YOU SUCK! FUCK YOU!", constructive crit="This seems like an interesting subject matter, but you might want to work on your spelling and grammar. See this? It's you're, not your.")
  6. Please keep it to subjects related to Hetalia fanfic help.
  7. As an elaboration of rule 6: if all you wanna do is talk about Hetalia while anon, there's a wonderful place for that! It's called aphanon_meme .
  8. ANY AND ALL pairings, characters, and subject matter is allowed here, as long as you post in the right subject and give the right warning.
  9. You can post your WIPs here for crit, but don't post finished fanfics here! Post them to whatever journal/community fits your needs best.
  10. While anonymous posting is enabled, no one is ever required to post as anon. It's just there for gift exchanges and kink meme fillers, as well as people who don't feel comfortable posting with a name attached yet.
  11. If your WIP contains adult content, place a warning in bold before going to the main event.
  12. Please post your questions and WIPs in the appropriate subject!
  13. I won't be monitoring this place that closely, but there's a contact post if you need me (say, someone is starting a wank that's getting out of hand, someone's spamming with unrelated stuff, etc.)
  14. Other than that, anything goes! 


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