Discussion about moving the kink meme to Dreamwidth!!!
Past-Part Fills Part Seven
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After discovering hentai, America has ended up with a huge tentacle rape fetish. He fantasizes all the time about various scenarios in which he is raped by a freaky monster with tentacles. Or even by guys he knows who have grown super-long penises or tongues, to mix the fantasies up a bit. He goes so far as to try and find ways of acting out the fantasy, like sleeping with guys rumored to have huge dicks, creating looong squishy dildos (and trying to figure out how to fuck himself with one while being tied up by the rest), etc.
Bonus 1: Another nation walks in on one of his elaborate fantasy-reenactment-scenarios, with interesting reactions.
Bonus 2: In the end, his fantasy actually comes to life when a friggin' real tentacle monster finds and attacks him, much to his great surprise (since, y'know, they're supposed to be fictional and all). He loves it more than he ( ... )
I hope to see an update soon, it would totally make my day
Looking forward to the next update!
I'm giggling especially hard here because a couple days ago I dared someone who's writing a different size-queen-America fic to have one of the guys he picks turn out to be pre-op and not have a flesh-and-blood penis at all, and it only occurred to me after I already sent the message that it would be fun if it was Prussia. "So, yeah, the five-metres thing wasn't so much an exaggeration as a misdirection." (Seriously, writer-lady, if you're reading this I'll PAY you to do that.)
It's a good thing nobody else is home because I've been howling with laughter. Felt bad for Russia and Prussia. Oh, Canada, you're such an enabler.
I do the "I'm just accidentally purchasing these sex toys and am deeply fascinated by the information on these labels over here" when at sex shops too. I don't think Canada's going to appreciate the slime effect, though.
Looking forward to the next part!
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