[part four: fill] If You Love Me, Slay a Dragon For Me [France/England, Prussia]

Mar 22, 2010 18:01

Title: If You Love Me, Slay a Dragon For Me
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Finished
Characters, Pairings: France/England, Prussia
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Eleanor of Aquitaine brings the concept of "courtly love" from France to England. Anon humbly requests France as a troubadour writing of his secret admiration for the noble and distant England. Platonic or not would be fine. (It would be great if they weren't actually kids like they are in canon during the Middle Ages; however, anon is not averse to them being kids.)

Notes: Crack!

Summary: England doesn't appreciate France's poetry, and asks for a more tangible proof of his love. France doesn't feel like slaying a dragon, and Prussia gives him an idea...

Miscellaneous Links:
- YouTube -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Rabbit of Caerbannog

f:part 04, p:england/france, c:england, c:france, f: ★, c:prussia

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