Staff Recommendations

Feb 20, 2010 20:26

After spending hours upon hours logging the many, many parts of the fabulous kink meme, the Kindex staff has seen the good, the bad, and the sexy when it comes to fills.  We know this kink meme inside out (well, only parts 1-7 at this point)!  And it's high time we put our useless awesome expertise in Hetalia Kink to use for you!

The Kindex Staff is ( Read more... )

a:admin!post, a:staff recommendation

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Week 7: 06/27/10 through 07/03/10 kindex_mod June 27 2010, 23:00:26 UTC
Title: Theodore Yogi Adams- Washington Bear
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: America, grizzly bear, ensemble
Rating: 1 star
Summary: America brings his friend to the meeting. The other Nations are not so much disapproving as terrified.

Staffer's Review: While a brief fill, it is full of laughs. In case the name didn't give it away, it is a delightful combination of hilarity, absurdity, and in-character responses!


Title: At His Mercy
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: North Italy/Germany
Rating: 2 Stars
Summary: Germany is rather tied up, but hopes North Italy is capable of at least one thing: getting him out of these knots.

Staffer's Review: A wonderfully funny fill, where North Italy is devious and still...Italy while Germany is genre-savvy in all the wrong ways. The fact that it is in Germany's point-of-view only adds to the hilarity.


Title: Unsurprise Buttsecks
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Denmark/Norway
Rating: 3 Stars.
Summary: Denmark gets quite the welcome home.

Staffer's Review: This story is all hot, intense sex. What really makes this fill stand out is how the author paces the story: it's quick, it's "now," and we are just as much along for the ride as Denmark is. And while this staffer does not know what got Norway into this mood, she is happy for Denmark and wishes that it would happen more often.


Title: Copenhagen
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Denmark, Germany
Rating: 1 Star.

Summary: It's said that they're "civilized" now, but Denmark knows that for all of the scientific advances, "civilization" is just a thin veneer.

Staffer's Review: This fic takes all of Denmark's character clichés and then turns them on their head by making him brilliant at physics, which I am an enormous geek for. The voice, too, is the same brashness that we're used to with Denmark - but what he's saying is far, far more politically and strategically astute than most portrayals will give him.


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