[part five: fill] Don't Make Me Beg [America/England]

Jan 24, 2010 20:24

Title: Don't Make Me Beg
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: America/England
Rating: 3 Stars.

Original Request: America/England - mpreg!sex.
Oh anon, I'm craving some smut while one of the two (doesn't matter who) is heavily pregnant~

Bonus #1: "Daddy" is nervous about having intercourse so late into the pregnancy while "Mommy" is too sexually frustrated to care.
Bonus #2: Their sexytimes accidentally induces labor.
Bonus #2.5: The two actually have sex in order to induce labor.

Summary: America manages to handle England's moodiness and insecurities with ease. A heavily pregnant England finally gets the sex he's been wanting for all this time.

p:america/england, c:america, f:part 05, c:england, k:m-preg, f: ★★★

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