[part ten: fill] Union [America, Canada]

Aug 27, 2011 17:24

Title: Union
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: America, Canada, Netherlands, Cuba, Canada's provinces, America's states. Implied Canada/Cuba, Canada/Ukraine, Russia/America, America/England, America/Belarus, and America/Switzerland.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: The US and Canada decide to become one nation. I don't really want smut or pairing fic, I'm more interested in the politics of how this would work and how they cope living together after so long apart.

Bonus: Mexico and/or the UK and/or Taiwan join the new super-state as well.

Summary: The union between America and Canada requires a lot of negotiations.

p:america/england, c:canada, f: ★, c:cuba, c:america, p:america/switzerland, f:part 10, p:america/belarus, c:netherlands, o:america's states, g:north american brothers, p:canada/ukraine, d:marriage, p:america/russia, p:canada/cuba, o:canada's provinces/territories

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