Battle RoyaleAuthor: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: America, Canada, France
Rating: 1 star
Original Request: HETALIA BATTLE ROYALE. High School AU in which their class is chosen to play. I'd love if it didn't follow closely the original book/film/manga because OP hates the two main characters with a burning passion.
However, certain characters can behave like some characters in the original story, and certain things can happen the same way. Deaths and gore, unexpected killings, twists and betrayals, surprising alliances and tragic romances, please!
For pairings, OP prefers any combination of the FrUK family, AmeRu, SuFin, Spain/England, any combination of the Bad Touch Trio, GerIta, Canada/Ukraine, Germany/France...ok, it's probably easier the other way: OP doesn't like much England/Japan, Lithuania/Russia, Seycheless with either France or England, Korea/China, Hungary/Prussia or Denmark/Sweden. She doesn't mind any of them one-sided, though ^^ (Japan, Lithuania, Seychelles, Korea, Prussia and Denmark, in that case)
Summary: The BR program starts again, and a new group of high school students must be chosen.