[part ten: fill] Curiosity's Reward [Germany, OC]

Aug 26, 2011 21:42

Title: Curiosity’s Reward
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: Germany, OC
Rating: 2 stars

Original Request: Anon is a sick and twisted person but she would like to see various Nations... with their respective torture devices. A plot idea is that they've captured a spy, and need to make him/her talk, or else they might reveal their Nation secret? Or something like that, I don't mind. Go nuts.

For example:
China using bamboo under the nails, letting it grow rapidly.
Germany breaks out an old Iron Maiden.
Italy using the incorrectly named "Chinese Water Torture".
England using the Spanish Boot (invented by the Scots, perfected by the English and French) which crushes the victim's leg/foot, or thumbscrews.
Spain gets waterboarding...

Summary: Germany deals the punishment for a captured spy.

f: ★★, o:original character, c:germany, f:part 10, d:no pairing

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