[part ten: fill] Holland & the wapons of massdestrucction [Netherlands, Belgium, OC!Luxembourg]

Aug 26, 2011 21:18

Title: Holland & the wapons of massdestrucction
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: Netherlands, Belgium, OC!Luxembourg.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: Guys I want some horrible fanfiction, and when I say horrible, I mean the usual things that make fanfics bad. So can I get a some parody of crappy fanfiction please? Over down story lines, Mary-Sues, bad spelling and grammar, sticking "his thingy into my you know what".

Seriously the fanfics in this kink meme are you know sometimes just too good.

Summary: Netherlands and Belgium go out to destroy dangerous "massdestruccion wapeons"!

Miscellaneous Links:
- Voice Recordings -- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (.wma files)

c:original nation, c:netherlands, d:meta, f:part 10, f: ★, d:no pairing, c:belgium

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