[part ten: fill] Throes of Passion [America/England]

Aug 26, 2011 21:07

Title: Throes of Passion
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: America/England, France/England, Hungary.
Rating: 3 Stars.

Original Request: Guys I want some horrible fanfiction, and when I say horrible, I mean the usual things that make fanfics bad. So can I get a some parody of crappy fanfiction please? Over down story lines, Mary-Sues, bad spelling and grammar, sticking "his thingy into my you know what".

Seriously the fanfics in this kink meme are you know sometimes just too good.

Notes: This fic was translated from English to Japanese and then back again into English. The link to the original is linked below.

Summary: Despite the nervous system in North America, he was not allowed to feel it. He was a hero! Hero does not get nervous! However, he eventually in England, was the day he was going to admit it and want to be with him loved him for hundreds of years."

Miscellaneous Links:
- Kink Meme -- Original, untranslated fic
- Icons quoting the fill -- 1 , 2

p:america/england, d:meta, p:england/france, c:america, c:england, c:hungary, c:france, f:part 10, f: ★★★

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