[part ten: fill] liek the gr8est fanfik ever writtn [France/OC, ensemble]

Aug 26, 2011 20:58

Title: liek the gr8est fanfik ever writtn
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: France/OC, America/England, Germany, Canada, Hungary, North Italy, Russia, Japan.
Rating: 2 Stars.

Original Request: Guys I want some horrible fanfiction, and when I say horrible, I mean the usual things that make fanfics bad. So can I get a some parody of crappy fanfiction please? Over down story lines, Mary-Sues, bad spelling and grammar, sticking "his thingy into my you know what".

Seriously the fanfics in this Kink meme are you know sometimes just too good.

Summary: Uzabiguary, "da most butiful contry in da world," describes the world meeting full of sex, violence, and others adoring, hating, or being scared of her. Oh, and Fettucini is in the corner eating pasta.

c:original nation, p:america/england, c:canada, d:meta, c:japan, c:north italy, c:russia, p:france/original nation, c:america, c:england, c:hungary, f: ★★, c:france, c:germany, f:part 10

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