[part ten: fill] Canada's Olympic Diary [Canada, America, ensemble]

Aug 25, 2011 02:20

Title: Canada’s Olympic Diary: page one, page two, page three, page four
Author: Anon
Type: Art/Fic (diary entries)
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Canada, America, ensemble
Rating: 1 star

Original Request: Start just before the Olympics: Matt's getting cold feet. He stresses out. His snow melts. The whole opening ceremony is littered with bugs and technicalities. Then the luge incident. More stress, more pressure. He starts to crack. He keeps track of everything in a journal/diary.

At some point, he snaps completely, drink coffee like a drug addict, and rambles on about how Plushenko is Ivan's clone, and is determined to prove it by getting 'genetic samples' to send off to a DNA lab. Cue America and some of the other countries Matt is friends with scrambling after him in a mad attempt to keep him from wrecking the whole Olymics/getting murdered by Ivan.

+ Go from pre-Olympics all the way through all 17 days.
+ Written at least partly in journal/diary format from Matt's increasingly cracked perspective. Other entries from other Nations are also welcome.
+ Matt is slipping coffee/pot against his boss' orders. Eventually, he screams/bites/snarls/threatens bodily harm when people try to take the coffee/pot away
+ Matt is ADAMANT the squirrels are coming to steal his medals.
+ He lays the smack-down on Steven Colbert. (Sorry Steven, I love you, but it has to be done)
+ Ivan and Plushenko find the whole thing hilarious (cue the Kol'ing)
+ Alfred and Matt end up handcuffed together at some point (and even this isn't enough to stop Matt)
+ Cure for the stress? A good, hot fuck or two. <3

Summary: Canada’s diary entries during the Vancouver Olympics start off sane enough…

c:canada, f: ★, d:no pairing, g:ensemble, c:america, f:art, f:part 10, d:games/sports

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