[part ten: fill] Fantasies Come True [England->America]

Aug 24, 2011 00:44

Title: Fantasies Come True
Author: liete / secretcurrents.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: England->America.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: [see link below] UKxUS please. Alfred (Nikky) is staying at Arthur's (Rod) house and somehow ends up in his bed (thunder storm, scary movie, the ghosts in Arthur's house decide to stir up trouble, it doesn't matter) and Arthur hears Alfred talking in his sleep and dismisses most of it until he hears Alfred claim he loves him. Cue sappy confessions and all around happiness and promises to be there for each other until Alfred says 'Arthur, wake up. You're talking in your sleep.' or something to the like and it's revealed to just be a dream. Now, you can follow the play where Rod just confesses and talks to Nikky without Nikky being awake or you can have Alfred be awake and they talk about it together. Don't worry about the Kate and Princeton part of the song. Make me feel bad for Arthur, anons. N

Notes: The original title, "What I've Always Dreamed Of" was changed in the de-anoned version to "Fantasies Come True."

Summary: England's dreams come true. But dreams can be cruel.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Kink Meme -- Original Post
- YouTube -- Fantasies Come True - Avenue Q

p:america/england, c:america, c:england, f:part 10, f: ★, a:de-anoned, k:unrequited love

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