[part six: fill] hell's a fable [Prussia, the Devil]

Aug 22, 2011 00:20

Title: hell's a fable
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: Prussia, the Devil
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: 1933, at a crossroad. Prussia sells his soul to the devil in exchange for keeping Germany safe, for his new boss makes him uneasy.

1947, the Devil comes to collect.

Anon just wants angst, with Germany realizing what his brother has done to save him and Prussia with no regrets about it.
(Although, if you make it cracky, there HAS to be a fiddle contest a la Devil went down to Georgia)

Summary: A game of quotations between Prussia and a certain being.

d:religion, f: ★★, c:prussia, d:magic/supernatural, o:original miscellaneous, d:no pairing, f:part 06

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