[part ten: fill] Between Lines [England/Canada, France, OC!Portugal]

Jul 03, 2011 19:08

Title: Between Lines
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: England/Canada, France, OC!Portugal
Rating: 1 star

Original Request: So every time I see a "male nation is secretly female" fill the quick answer to the years and years of hiding is "They'd treat me differently" / "I couldn't do such-and-such" / "I just never corrected you." Now I love sudden gender reveals and all the fun they allow but this anon has trouble believing any of the guys would seriously keep their physical sex hidden for so long on those points alone, comedy aside. Unless say, they're more comfortable being read as male and never truly identified as female. (I mean, they're nations! They can do whatever they want! Why not be a badass lady nation?)

Anons, I want to see a female-to-male trans!nation. Any time period. Coming out to a loved one, being found out, personal battles with, being rejected because of, being accepted, whatever. Just, something! (Multiple fills encouraged! I can hope can't I?) Serious is more likely, but comedy is just as welcome!

I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER if it's America.
I WILL LIKE YOU FOR ALWAYS if it's England, Russia, Estonia, Sweden, Prussia, France..et cetera.

Notes: Alternate universe. Genderbending, male to female instead of requested female to male.

Summary: Arthur finds so much to love about Mathilda, and accepts everything about her as well.

c:original nation, c:canada, d:alternate universe, k:genderbend, f: ★, c:england, c:france, f:part 10, p:canada/england

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