[part ten: fill] Sing Sung Songs [England/America, Canada, France, Seychelles]

May 28, 2011 21:42

Title: Sing Sung Songs
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: England/America, Canada, France, Seychelles
Rating: 3 stars

Original Request: I've seen a lot of consensual shota between America and England, but I crave horrible psychological trauma. I want America to be confused and afraid, I want England to feel endless guilt but still try to rationalize his actions, I want America to feel irrational guilt. Basically I want gut-wrenching agony on both parts and to have the urge to punch England in the dick.

If it's not too much to ask, I also have a few specifications:
1) America grows up to be how he is in canon (cocky, exuberant, has a hero complex, fairly good relationship with England, etc). Whether he chooses to suppress the abuse or simply have the most fucked up outlook on his relationship with England ever is up to you. Perhaps he convinces himself it's not abuse because he's a nation?
2) Canada knew about it. Sometimes it's good to go unnoticed in a household with a child molester, eh?
3) France finds out. Chaos ensues. If you involve Finland or Holland in this I'll love you forever.
4) Bonus if England breaks down at any point.
5) Double bonus if it affects their standings as nations or if they have to continue on as they were before revelations because they're nations

Notes: dub-con and non-con shota

Summary: Canada has been a silent, guilt-ridden witness to the relationship England has developed with America. But not forever.

- Chapter 12 - 24

p:america/england, c:canada, k:non-consensual, c:america, d:na-colonial era, k:shota, c:england, c:france, f:part 10, d:young nation, f: ★★★, k:dubious consent, c:seychelles

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