[part nine: fill] Germany and America Walking Through a Forest [America, Germany, ensemble]

Dec 29, 2010 02:42

Title: Germany and America Walking Through a Forest...
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: America, Germany, Prussia, England, France, Tony, ensemble
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Somehow, due to Tony's alien technology or Britannia Angel's magic, the cast of Hetalia are trapped in a Robin Hood movie. They're aware of what's going on, but can't escape situation unless they finish acting out the "movie" they're in. They also are trapped in certain roles and can't change them or switch with someone else, even if these roles really don't fit the person.

Bonus: Romano gets stuck in the role of Maid Marian.
Bonus 2: Latvia as the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Bonus 3: Maid Marian (Romano) refuses to go anywhere near, let alone have a romantic scene, with Robin Hood (Germany). Robin Hood, at some point, runs off with Friar Tuck (Italy).

Summary: Due to a mishap with Tony's latest invention, America and Germany find themselves stuck in the story of Robin Hood, and worse still, America's just the sidekick!

d:crossover - movie/tv show, f: ★, c:prussia, o:tony, d:no pairing, g:ensemble, c:america, c:england, c:france, c:germany, f:part 09

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