[part seven: fill] Independents [OC!American states, America]

Dec 23, 2010 15:22

Title: Independents
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: Vermont, Texas, Hawaii, America
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: I would really like to see some interaction between states, and I would absolutely love to learn something about them. I'm British, so if any anon could teach me that little piece of history that's really hard to find, or that no one knows, that would be perfect.
So, really, anything to do with the states. Historical, present rivalries, anything. I don't mind whether it's fluff, angst or something else. Smut is optional, but it's not really my thing. Feel free to include it if it makes anons happy though!

Summary: It's Texas's Independence Day, and he's upset because despite it he's not really independent.

c:america, f:part 07, f: ★★, o:america's states, d:no pairing

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