[part four: fill] Bereft [America, England, Russia, Ensemble]

Oct 16, 2010 00:19

Title: Bereft
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: America, England, Russia, Ensemble
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: One of the Nations gets amnesia somehow, forgetting - everything, basically. Who they are, *what* they are, that they're a Nation - they think they're an amnesic human, and act appropriately. So - this Nation disappears from off the radar, get picked up by Social Services and whatnot, basically goes missing until they're found by another nation.

The Nation in question then has to be persuaded as to their status as an anthropomorphic personification, etc.

Summary: The day America misses a meeting, England is worried as to what happened to him seeing as he can't be found. Apparently some Nations have a better clue as to where the Nation ended up.

c:america, f:part 04, c:england, f: ★, c:russia, d:no pairing, g:ensemble

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