[part eight: fill] Attempt #1209 [America, England]

Aug 19, 2010 02:18

Title: Attempt #1209
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: America, England
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Joining the UN for a country is a lot like trying to join a fraternity; they have to go through a kind of Pledge Week/initiation first, with plenty of stupid/humiliating trials and hazing.

So I want to see a country going through something like this in order to join the UN. The original members think of themselves as the 'seniors' and dictate what the new country has to do to join.

You can pick a country that joined after the founding, or make one of the originals get re-initiated for whatever reason (for example, making Russia get initiated as Russia, since he was the USSR when the UN was founded.)

Make whatever they have to do humiliating, please.

Bonus: BOOZE. They're no kind of pseudo fraternity without booze.
Bonus II: You know that scene from Old School when the guys have to tie a brick to their dick with a rope and drop the brick off a building, to show that they trust that their brothers made the rope long enough? Yeah, make 'em do that.

Summary: America and England discussing the need for fresh hazing rituals.

c:america, c:england, f:part 08, f: ★, d:no pairing

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