[part eight: fill] Consequences [America, Canada]

Aug 18, 2010 15:50

Title: Consequences
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: America, Canada. Mentions of World/America.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: You anons know the request of the financial crisis gangbang and the revenge? Well, lets have the middle history!!!

Two months after the incident Alfred is getting fat, more than usual. When he goes to the doctor, he gives him the news. He is in a emotional state and even worse when all nations discover the notice (Alfred didn't tell them, they just noticed his tummy).

Matthew is always with him, giving support when he comes with a cruel idea: Abortion. Matthew speaks with Cuba about it, he accepts but Alfred is scared 'cause he thinks the baby could be Arthur's. It's up writer!anon if Alfred aborts, loses the baby or another thing but he cant keep it (cruel, i know)

BONUS/01: If nations who participate in the gangbang are ashamed and ok with the idea of whoever is the baby to care of him/her.
BONUS/02: If Alfred thanks Cuba

Notes: M-preg. Implied previous non-con. This fill is a spin-off of the World Financial Crisis Gangbang.

Summary: There is no good news coming the visit to the doctor.

c:canada, f: ★, d:financial crisis gangbang, d:no pairing, g:north american brothers, c:america, k:m-preg, f:part 08

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