[part eight: fill] My five meters is gone! [Hungary, Prussia, Germany, ensemble]

Aug 12, 2010 21:09

Title: My five meters is gone!
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Hungary, Prussia, Germany, ensemble
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: Hungary is SICK of being a woman. So due to a magical spell she found she plans to switch genders but must trade with a guy (Equivalent exchange bitch!) . At first she picked Poland (who may or may not have agreed), but due to Nation A walking in on her work, she has switched with them.

Hungary is happy as a male clam. He is dripping hot, testosteroneific and finally has that one thing he always wanted.  Nation A on the other hand...

So begins the epic quest to restore nation A's masculinity

Bonus: It's Germany.
Bonus 2: IT'S PRUSSIA.
Bonus 3: Nation A gets her first period

Notes: Genderbend.

Summary: Hungary is finally, finally, finally a man. And Prussia and Germany, caught up in her spell, are now women. They are less pleased than he is.

k:genderbend, c:prussia, d:no pairing, g:ensemble, c:hungary, f: ★★, c:germany, f:part 08, d:magic/supernatural

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