[part seven: fill] The Merits of Imagination [America/Canada, Prussia, ensemble]

Jul 25, 2010 03:41

Title: The Merits of Imagination
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: America/Canada, Prussia, ensemble
Rating: 2 stars

Original Request: I read a fic a while back about Prussia having a twin fetish with America/Canada. I don't know if it was continued since it was a one part fill, but I know that I want it like burning again D:
So what I ask is for a secret obsessive Prussia mind-fapping over seeing America and Canada together, while America and Canada notice and use his fetish to their advantage (in other words they start teasing Prussia indirectly with small touches and cute moments with each other in order to make him frustrated... harhar)
However it ends is up to anon, uhh but eventual threesome would be nice... oooh Prussia you lucky bastard XD

Summary: Prussia was really starting to wonder if those two are doing it on purpose. Not that it matters.

- Part 4

Miscellaneous Links:
- Art -- 1.5 stars

p:america/canada, c:canada, c:prussia, g:ensemble, c:america, k:voyeurism, f:part 07, f: ★★

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