[part seven: fill] Love, in Fire and Blood [Belarus/Russia]

Jul 10, 2010 16:50

Title: Love, in Fire and Blood
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Belarus/Russia
Rating: 3 Stars.

Original Request: The tyrant known as Russia... is dead. The bloodshed has finally stopped and the healing can begin. The world is overjoyed... well, everyone except Belarus. She was the only one who stood by Russia's side, and she won't forgive the others for what they did to her brother. So, when she finds a spell that will resurrect a lost loved one, she wastes no time in preparing the ritual. The world can't survive the second coming of Russia, can it?

The spell has a side effect- it can resurrect the lost one, but it can't bring back their soul. So essentially, Russia would be like a living doll, an empty vessel devoid of all emotion. In order to control him, Belarus needs to hold Russia's "heart" (whether literal or metaphoric, author decides, but it has to be tangible). Russia will dutifully follow all the orders given by the "holder of his heart"; orders to kill... and orders to love.

Now, I know that I asked for Belarus/Russia, but that's only 'cause she's the first one to "use" Russia. What will happen once the rest of the world figures it out? Will others try to "use" the once powerful tyrant for their own benefits?

Summary: It doesn't matter that he is cold, or that his eyes are dead. She finally has his love and his heartbeat against her chest.

f:part 07, p:belarus/russia, c:belarus, d:magic/supernatural, f: ★★★, c:russia

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