[part six: fill] Iron-banded, Silver-tipped, Golden-bladed [Finland/Sweden, Denmark]

Jun 15, 2010 22:39

Title: Iron-banded, Silver-tipped, Golden-bladed
Author: valmora
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Finland/Sweden, Denmark
Rating: 2 Stars.

Original Request: I'd like to see a Finland/Sweden fic where (be it historical AU, or in the future or something) Finland is the one to conquer Sweden and all that that entails. I'm partial to seeing a little bit of the darker side of these two, but not overwhelming angst but up to anon what happens ^^

Bonus: Chains and a collar on Sweden >> and unrepentantly pagan Finland

Summary:  Suomi follows the trail of the sun, and takes in another like himself; all is changed, and all is the same, in the house of Suomi and Ruotsi (author's summary).

Miscellaneous Links:
- Kink Meme -- Original Post
- Translation -- Selected Poems of the Kalevala

c:denmark, d:fairy tale/folklore/mythology, c:finland, c:sweden, d:alternate history, p:finland/sweden, f:part 06, d:religion, f: ★★, a:de-anoned

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