[part six: fill] Upon Which the Sun Never Sets [England, Sekhmet]

Jun 14, 2010 20:17

Title: Upon Which the Sun Never Sets
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: England, Sekhmet
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: I don't believe that the Nations are the only personifications in the Hetalia world (i.e. Prussia came into being as the personification of an order of knights), I would like something regarding the Nations interacting with the personifications of... other... things...

Bonus) I'm personally interested in England meeting Sekhmet. and being aware of it, seeing as how the largest Museum of Egyptology is in Great Britain. I mean, what could an ex-pirate formerly-imperialistic Nation and an almost forgotten ancient Egyptian war goddess (that had titles as diverse as 'Mistress of Dread', 'Great One in the Places of Judgement and Execution', 'Destroyer of Rebellions', 'The Lady of Just Punishment', 'Lady of the House of Books' and 'Adorable One') say to each other?

Summary: He saw a shadow once, in the museum.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Webpage -- Names of Sekhmet

o:personification, d:religion, c:england, o:fictional character, f: ★, f:part 06

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