[part six: fill] Post Secret [Ensemble]

Jun 10, 2010 00:53

Title: Post Secret
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Austria, Belarus, Estonia, Switzerland, Rome, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, Chibitalia, Vietnam, Germany, Holy Roman Empire, Norway, Russia, Korea, North Italy, Sealand, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Finland, South Italy, England, America, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Japan, China, Taiwan, Latvia, Canada, France, Prussia, OC!North Korea (not in that order)
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: We've all seen the FML prompts, and I was thinking today- what about Hetalia PostSecret? What if all of the nations found the website and started posting their secrets, or sending them in on postcards?

Anon here would love to see what some of their posts, or even what some of their postcards, would be. Can be angsty, romantic, sad, funny... Whatever floats anons boat! I'd love multiple fills, as well as art of the postcards. ~

Notes: Solutions can be found here.

Summary: The things they feel, but will never say.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Wikipedia -- PostSecret

c:original nation, c:rome, c:japan, c:poland, c:turkey, f: ★, c:south italy, c:taiwan, c:germany, c:liechtenstein, c:norway, c:denmark, c:china, c:ukraine, c:prussia, c:sealand, c:sweden, f:part 06, g:ensemble, c:lithuania, c:france, c:canada, c:switzerland, c:finland, c:north italy, c:russia, c:vietnam, c:greece, c:america, c:chibitalia, c:estonia, c:latvia, c:spain, c:iceland, c:austria, c:england, c:hungary, c:holy roman empire, c:belarus, c:korea

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