[fanfics] 3 Canada/Ukraine fics!

Dec 16, 2009 19:49

Title: Little Sweet Nothings
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Canada/Ukraine + OC Saskatchewan
Genre: Family, Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: Possible fail!Canadian history
Summary: De-anoning from the kink meme; A fluffy family moment with Canada, Ukraine, and their daughter Saskatchewan.

(When he looked into the peephole and saw Ukraine standing on the other side, his heart skipped a beat.)

Title: A Moment Like This
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Canada/Ukraine with mentions of America, Russia, and OC Saskatchewan.
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: K - T
Warning: None, unless your teeth are sensitive to fluff-induced cavities.
Summary: Done for 1sentence, 50 sentences revolving around the love between Canada and Ukraine <3

(“K-K-Katya… will you… marry me?”)

The first two links lead to my journal. This link leads to the Canada/Ukraine community, special_sight:

Title: Thursday Mornings
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Canada, Ukraine, Kumajirou; established Canada/Ukraine
Genre: Romance, Fluff, slight Humour I suppose
Rating: Eh, PG borderline T (nothing bad actually happens)
Warnings: Short nightgowns. XD
Summary: Canada is helpless in the morning; luckily Ukraine is there to help wake him up.

(...because it meant that he couldn’t focus on the thoughts that would have made him very, very late to the meeting.)

You guys are all welcome to join our community <33

canada, ukraine, fanfic

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