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page 1 (
Santa |
Italy+Germany |
Kugelmugel+Liechtenstein+Switzerland |
chibi Prussia+Poland+Hungarypage 2 (
Prussia |
Russia+Japan |
Romano+Spain |
Austria+Germanypage 3 (
Romania+Bulgaria+Russia |
Romania+Bulgaria |
Germany+Italy+Japan |
France |
Molossia's dog |
Hongkong+South Korea |
Italy |
Italy+Germany+Japan |
Norway+Englandpage 4 (
Finland+Sweden |
Finland |
Finland+? |
Seborga+Monaco |
Austria+Italy+Hungary |
Hungary |
Hungary+France+Italy |
Netherlands+Spain |
Netherlands+chibi Italiespage 5
Spain+Italy |
Romano |
Switzerland |
Estonia+Latvia+mochi |
Sweden+Ladonia+Denmarkpage 6
chibi Netherlands+Belgium |
Austalia+New Zealand+Hutt River+Wy |
Prussia+America |
Cuba+Seychelles+Germany |
Vietnam+Seychelles+Belgium+Hungary+Ukraine+Taiwan+Monaco |
Canada+England+America |
Norway+Denmark+Netherlands+Thailand |
Poland+Lithunia |
Greece+Turkey+Egyptpage 7
Italy+Japan+Germany Blog:
Iceland+Turkey |
Rome+Germania |
England+France |
notice bold= new
Romano: Hey, is it okay for my damn little brother to be acting so carefree.
Italy: Ah, that's right! The next request is, "A lot of Hetalia girls"... Huh!?
There was an image like that!?
Seychelles: Yes! I brought a perfect picture of the End-of-Year Girls' Meeting there, so here you go!
Seychelles: Ah, come to think of it, we show a lot of cleavage in the West and Africa, but they don't really wear open-chested clothes in Asia, huh?
Huh, Mr. Cuba?
Cuba: Why are you asking me this?
Request: A strip where Canada stands in the forefront.
In British camp during America's Revolutionary war.
Even now, Canada is a pretty good tactician
While America and England were competing hard,
Canada was going around behind their backs and such.
Request: Military Uniform Sweden
Finland was being watched by Russia, and while some countries also felt bad for him but were hesitant to help, Sweden secretly backed him with some museum-quality airplanes and passenger planes.
The passenger planes are another story entirely.
Request: "Ba-bum! A 4-panel comic filled with bad-tempered people!"
When Denmark went to Japan, he was done in by the Netherlands' defense.
The Netherlands' defensive ability is out of this world!
Italy: This was the hardest request to imagine up so far!
Japan: ...It certainly was troubling.
Request: Poland with pony tail
Request: "Little Egypt and Greece"
[Nasreddin Hodja}
A cute yet wise old man who is the main character in his many witty yet humorous stories and anecdotes. His stories have given many people a good laugh. He is a man beloved in Turkey.
page 7:
Germany: …時々はこういう日があっても良いだろう。
Italy: そうだねー。
Romano: 違和感ありすぎだぞこのやろー…。
Japan: たまにはそういう日もありますよ。
Italy: 今何時…って あれ?
Japan: ……ほとんど遅刻だ。
Cuba: またダンスでもしてくれるんじゃねぇか?
Italy: あれ面白かったなー。
Germany: 頼む、忘れてくれ。
Japan: あのキューバさん。
Cuba: わかった。
Germany: 答えられる範囲で良いからな。
Cuba: そんなことかよ。おーいスペイン!
Spain: んーなになにー?
Newest translation thanks to:
spaceinvaderdud Other translations thanks to:
hikari_kaitoujewshcakashiwamizukurukurumakilost_hitsuneurotic_banananodokaotonashispaceinvaderdudtalenesstarafishesy4nderenkanameru_ja_naiand all other translators, scanlators, and everyone else.