Who: Henrique
Where: Library, fourth floor
When: Early Saturday Afternoon
What: Take a wild guess at what’s done in a library. No, not cooking, that's the kitchen you're thinking of.
Can other people participate? Yes~
Summary: Global warming won Port over with a thunderstorm and he ended up at the library. Very smart of him, but he’s keeping himself busy with a book.
The sudden changes in the weather were getting annoying. He hadn’t been slacking off on schoolwork nearly enough for fate (or, well, global warming) to get back at him for this; he’d been getting everything done in time so that he could have some free time during weekends and such. Hell, he’d renounced partying the night before to finish an assignment so he didn’t have to work on it during the weekend. Friday had been a wonderful, sunny day, so why did he have to wake up to thundering and such a gloomy weather?
Henrique been planning to go out and play football and this - this was a major setback on his plans. His mood was completely ruined and he ended up staying in bed for a couple more hours in hopes that it was all a stupid dream. Unfortunately for him it was not, so when he did get up, getting ready for the day turned out to be a bigger pain than he’d expected.
After lunch and sitting around in a general state of boredom, he had ventured out into the libraries; sure, the weather wasn’t very inviting and the atmosphere that day was gloomy, making it a bit awkward for him to venture into the building, but he rather liked it there, anyway. In spite of being an outdoors person, he enjoyed reading and the library was always a pleasant place to go to, even though it was difficult to remain silent sometimes.
Because the young man wasn’t there to study, he decided to venture to the upper floors, into the fiction and nonfiction sections. If anything, he could simply go through the many titles until he found something to do; though something caught his interest. Taking the book out of the shelf carefully, he realized it was a hardcover copy of a compilation of biographies. “Well…” He mumbled with a small shrug, looking around once, twice, to see if anyone was around. It was oddly empty. Or, well. Maybe not oddly, but still. Without much thought, Henrique found a place to sit down and opened the book. He’d just keep himself busy in the meantime.