Who: Vash and anyone else
Where: In the Quad/Public Area
When: Around Lunch Time
What: Vash throwing down the legal gauntlet (see summary)
Can other people participate? If they don’t, I’ll keep typing out me sitting around and judging people as they pass by=YES
Summary: Vash trying to petition against all the many things he doesn’t like about
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He blinked as he heard a familiar voice and looked up slowly. Immediately his expression dropped even further. Just what he needed, his stuck up roommate and old acquaintance Roderich to further ruin his mood. And he was asking a stupid question. Even if there was hardly enough signitures, there were still already some on there to serve as an example. Hell even the first person had the benefit of seeing his name on each of the lists.
“Your whole signiture. Not my fault your name is so damn long,” he said curtly as he looked up at him. Something about that face always pissed him off and he was already pretty pissed off as it was. Had he not desired Roderich’s signature, he probably wouldn’t have even been that nice, but he could be diplomatic when the need arose. Although… he was pretty sure Roderich would agree with him, not that he would ever admit any similarity in their outlooks on life.
"I see," nodded Roderich, as he began to write his name on the first petition. Looking down at it, Roderich could not help but notice the lack of signatures filling the page. A small laugh escaped Roderich's mouth as he gracefully signed his full name onto the sheet of paper.
Clearing his throat quickly to stifle the laugh, Roderich moved onto the second petition. He had not meant to even smile; after all, there was nothing humourous about making a signature on a page. However, it had simply been so nostalgic to see Vash's attempts to keep everything in order. When they had been little, Vash was always one who would yell at his bullies and attempt to keep him in line. Needless to say, Vash had caused some unfriendly rumours to spread about him, but Roderich had always been secretly proud of his former friend's bravery.
As he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind, Roderich completed his third signature with a flick of the pen. Placing the writing utensil gently back onto the table, Roderich straightened his back and rotated to face his roommate.
"Is that everything?" asked Roderich, part of him hoping that his friend would ask for help (though that would never happen) and part of him hoping that he would be able to leave.
He watched as the other man signed his name, not skipping a single petition. His eyes focused more on the hand and paper than on the face of the other across the table. The whole thing made him feel a little strange, but he couldn’t place why.
He saw Roderich a good amount now that they lived in the same room. However, they didn’t wake up at the same times and Vash typically didn’t hang around the room when he wasn’t doing assignments. So, there weren’t too many conversations between them. Brushing aside the odd feeling, he decided he might as well keep with the status quo and let Roderich finish without interruption.
Vash looked up when his former close friend addressed him again. He paused for a moment, not sure why he was having a hard time with the question. In the end, that simply served to make him a little madder. “Yeah, that’s all I need.” He replied. “Where are you off to?” he asked, his face looking puzzled. This was clearly another by product of not thinking his words through. A look of unease took over his features as he turned from facing Roderich. He had no reason to care, so he had no idea why he asked…
"I was heading over to the cafeteria in hopes of purchasing a decent lunch," responded Roderick matter-of-factly. "However, it seems like the menu is filled with nothing but greasy, fat-filled fast food, which I do not consider to be fit for consumption. For that reason, I came over here, and now that I have seen the petition, I have nothing to do. I suppose that I will return to the dorm and make myself some kind of meal. Would you like to join me after you have finished with this campaign?"
Roderick knew that it was rather unlikely that Vash would agree to have a meal with him, but he decided that it could not hurt to give an offer. The worst that could happen was rejection, and then Roderick would only have to make enough food for one. There was no losing situation, from what Roderick could calculate in his head.
The Swiss man shrugged at the invitation. They lived in the same dorm room, so it would be foolish to say that he wouldn't eventually join Roderick. But, that hardly meant that he wanted to eat with the taller man. "Tch, like I could enjoy a meal if I had to look at you the whole time. I'll just go back later."
There, that ought to make up for his slip earlier. Now it was more clear that they weren't friends and that he didn't have any interest in hanging out and that he most certainly didn't want to spend his lunches with the Austrian. That part of their lives was over, it was just easier to move on and not think about it more than they had to.
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