Made a Sweden pattern for a friend over the weekend, and then a Finland to be his friend~
So first up is Sweden!! I'm wicked proud of myself for making this, it came out soooooo cute!
The finished Project!
And the pattern!
One note! For Sweden's hat, the brim is folded in half so there's not a white spot underneath
He even has a little Santa cape :3
And his pattern!
Couple of notes~
-The cape's not perfect. You cute along the white bordering the big section, and then slide the white under it until it sits at an angle you like. I slid mine a little past the white onto the red, and trimmed what stuck out. It's up to you I guess.
- The hat's not perfect either.It needs to be adjusted to whatever angle the hair ends up at. You cut the black lines near the middle, fold the hat along there, and slide one half of the hat under the other until it fits the hair's angle. It's not exact, and the side tabs might need to trimmed a little near the middle fold so it sits flat. If someone needs help with it, I'll try and diagram it.
-Also, the hat looks fab on Switzerland. Just sayin'
How cute together!
So I want to make more (actually, I want a complete set of Hetalia Characters!) and I don't really care which one I do next, sooooo.....
Poll I'm not the original creator. にーび is. Originals here: I just use and edit them so we can have some Scandinavian cuteness.