Cuz I wanted to be like one of the cool kids too, I drew up some sketches that I thought were kinda funny/cute and hopefully, you will too.
(I'm also very dumb when it comes to LJ and html, so I give you the links...If that's a problem, please let me know...)
Title: Chibi Pirate UK
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s): UK/England (IDK, I call him "Igiris" because of the Japanese)
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: I remember reading that England was a pirate in his 'early days' so I was thinking, 'Chibigiris was swashbuckling at a tender age...' Title: AM I DOING IT RITE?
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s): US and Japan
Rating: G
Warnings: wild Gurren Lagann and Code Geass appeared
Summary: America likes to cosplay Title: Gal!Poland
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s): Poland
Rating: PG?
Warnings: crossdressing =P
Summary: Poland and his Valley girl speech Title: Gar?Hungary
Author/Artist: myself
Character(s): Hungary and Russia
Rating: G
Warnings: sparkles
Summary: I was wondering what a Gar hunary would look like and this is what came up into my head XD thanks for looking! ^^;
(I had more tags, but I think they got eated D: )