Title: Not Sea Turtles
shinju90 Summary: Francis tells Alfred and Mathew a tale of Arthurs adventures on the high seas.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: FrUk..if you kinda tilt your head and squint at it.
Warnings: Violence
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, I'm just enjoying playing with it while I'm in the bath.
A/N: So, this is my first finished Hetalia fic, so I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm currently filling two over at
hetalia_kink, but neither of them are finished yet. I've had some of this waiting on my hard drive for awhile, and I finished it up while taking a break from NaNo. I hope everyone likes it...and of course that I didn't butcher the characters too badly.
I'm a link masquerading as a cut! Click me! (This is my first time posting here. If I did something wrong, please tell me and I will fix it!)