SO HELLO. Um, this is my first time posting to the community and uuh.. |D;; well, I'm bringing you crack. Mean Girls/Hetalia crack. I only have six caps but more is to come in the future.
If anyone knows where to find season two caps, please link because that would be so helpful, asdfg<3
lotis_san And thanks to
misfittinq for staying up and helping fuel my crack addiction! :P
This is the first image I made because, omg, Poland = Karen. 8| Hands down. Trying to make it look more like a screen cap, haha, so sorry if it kinda fails.
I could not resist this. At all.
Of course France had to stay as Regina George. The part was way too perfect.
Fact: Serious business Russia is hard to find. :|a;;
Haha, and that's all! I hope everyone enjoyed! More to come in the future. :D