[mod post] October Mod Post

Oct 13, 2009 21:02

To the people of the Hetalia Community, greetings and I hope you are enjoying the nice month of October and are preparing for your respective Hetalia Day activities.

That said, here are a few things that the team would like to address in terms of the community as well as its rules, since we are now 20K members strong.

1) Remember to read the rules. We are getting a lot of new members, so I would like to remind you guys to please read the rules. We of course would notify you via a mod post like this if there are any updates and/or changes to the rules so that you don’t have to keep checking, but if you are new, make sure you read it before you post or comment.

2) Tag your posts (correctly). As many of you know, the community runs on a “tag your post” rule which a lot of you might find to be annoying, but please understand that the tag system is implemented so that members can find posts at a quick and convenient manner.

a. That said, it has been brought to our attention that recently people have either been tagging things under the incorrect tag, and there are tags that are being cluttered by overuse.

i. Translation/Scanlations tag: There have been complaints about the doujinshi scanlation and the manga scanlations being clogged up, as well as lyrics and other things being under the same tag. Please allow me to bring your attention to the “translation” tag. The scanlation tag is for scanlations-as in, translations that have been edited onto pages of a comic. If you are posting a video that you have subbed, lyrics, or posts from the blog that are just translations of text, those do NOT belong under the scanlations tag. Please try to find your post and edit them accordingly.

ii. Profiles tag: This is for official profiles of the characters ONLY. Please do not put your LJ profile codes here, and if you make a fan-made profile, those belong in fanart as sometimes they will confuse a member if you are using fan-made names for the characters.

b. The mod team is still currently looking over which tags to expand, and to what extent, but please understand that with the traffic that we experience on this community everyday, it’s a very long and tedious job to go through all the posts and retag them.

3) Mature posts: we have bee talking about this for quite some time and we would like the community to know that the mod team now uses the ESRB Rating System for their basis on what constitutes a Mature Post. Please remember to label and tag your post to follow the rules.

4) Original Characters: Those belong on nationslash. There have been some slipping of this rule and we will say it here that while our rules on Original Nations is lenient, we do require that an actual Himaruya-created Hetalia character be included in the post, and when you do that, the Hetalia character is the main focus, not your Original Character. Any posts with only an original character or just a Hetalia character seemingly slapped on will be deleted.

5) Finally, requests belong on aph_request, and private journal stuff for your private journals.

If you need to speak with a mod, please feel free to LJ PM any one of the mods on the team (we're listed on the profile page). We do not turn off our PM features, and all PMs are forwarded to members of the modding team.

Good day.

community: mod

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