[fanfic] - Family (first post XD) - EDITED!

May 02, 2009 17:28

Title: Family

Character(s) or Pairing(s): Hungary, Turkey, Greece

Rating: uhm… I think… no rating…? XD *don’t know foreign ratings*

Warnings: poor English grammar (oh those evil tenses and idioms XD)

Summary: Family is important. But what if you don’t have any memories about it?

There are lot of important things in the world like friendship and love, but you can have new friends and lovers during your life. And there is one thing that you can’t change.

This is your family.

You have parents, brothers and sisters who you share your blood with. You learn important things from your parents and older siblings that you can use during your life and you teach your younger siblings, doughters and sons the same.

But what if you don’t have a family?

You’re all alone. You have to learn everything on your own and pray that you learnt it well. You have to make bonds with the people around you to heal the scars in your heart.

And what if you have a family but you don’t remember anything?

’Auch!’ Hungary dropped her knife and looked at her finger. Crimson blood slipped out from her index finger where the thorn of the red rose hurt it.

’Hungary! Be careful next time!’ Turkey stepped next to her and took her hand. He wiped the blood away with his handkerchief then bandaged her finger with it. ’You worth it! Don’t daydream while you cut roses!’

’Sorry…’ said Hungary and looked at her bandage. It’s not a usual occasion when she gets some care from somebody. She was always all alone in the middle of Europe between slavic nations knowing nothing about her family. There weren’t a mother or a father who she could tell her pain. She always had to defeat it on her own.

’Hungary?’ she heard Turkey’s voice. ’Are you all right? Is there anything wrong? Are you ill?’

Hungary looked up.

’No, I’m not ill’ she answered.

’Than what’s the metter?’ Turkey asked and looked at Hungary with serious eyes.

’I don’t know…’ Hungary took a deep breath. ’Maybe I’m… homesick? The Carpathian Basin is my home but… Where I lived before that? Where did I come from? Did I have a family? If yes why I left my relatives? I don’t get it…’

Turkey sighed. He turned to the roses and cut one down.

’I… knew your father’ said finally Turkey.

Hungary’s eyes wide opened.

’You… Knew him?’

’Yes. But not just him. I knew your brother too.’

’And who are they?’ Hungary grabbed Turkey’s vest. ’Please tell me! I want to know it! I want to meet with them! Where do they live? Please, tell me!’

Suddenly Turkey started laughing. When he noticed Hungary’s confused eyes he started:

’I won’t tell you. I know you have amnesia because you didn’t remember me when we met some years ago. You have to find out everything alone. Believe me, if you find out it alone you will be the happiest nation in the world. And until that don’t believe those Westerns who tell you fake stories about your origin. Your roots are strong. One day you will remember everything and maybe you can even meet with your brother.’

Turkey chopped the thorns down from the rose in his hand and put it behind Hungary’s ear.

’Now continue working. The roses need some care’ Turkey turned around and suddenly threw his knife. ’Greece! Those are really rare roses!’

’Damn you Turkey!’ shouted Greece. ’You want to kill me?! It almost hit my head!’

Hungary smiled while she watched the two arguing nations. Turkey’s words gave her hope that one day she will have a real family. And she was looking forward to that day.


> During Ottoman-Hungary the Turks brought roses to Hungary. There were rose gardens in every Turkish building and it was forbidden for strangers to enter it. They even cut down the heads of the ones who took roses from those gardens.

> I think a lot of you know about the Finno-Ugoric languages and that the Hungarian language is a part of it. But it isn’t! There is a story about that the Habsburgs forced the Hungarians to teach the children that theire language is a Finno-Ugoric language and they destroyed every written memories about the Hunngarians origin. I don’t know if it’s true but I believe in it.

> There is a theory (what I think is true) that the Magyars was one with the Hunnic Empire (this makes the Hunnic Empire to be Hungary’s father). And there are some theories (again, I think it’s true) that the Magyars and the Mongolians had some connectios in the past (and then Mongolia is Hungary’s brother).

> There is a theory that when the Magyars and the Turks were nomad tribes they were neighbours. China and the European nations called the Magyars Turks by mistake because both of them was a horse riding nation.

And I totally forgot to explane the most important thing: Hungary's amnesia. Hungarians don't really know where they are from. There are a lot of theories (for example: Hungarians are the survivors of Atlantis O___o""") but nobody knows the truth. This is why Hungary has amnesia ^____^

-greece, -turkey, -hungary, fan: fic

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