Title: Two Baby Grands All Wet
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America&Canada (Alfred&Matthew)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: The Roaring Twenties included disillusionment, beer, and a whole lotta mess. Also, BAD WRITING. I wrote this during Hurricane Ike. Oh ho, excuses.
Summary: A couple of years after the failed War to End All Wars (WWI), Alfred and Matthew spend a boy's night out on town.
click (link) Title: Untitled
Author/Artist: me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America&Canada (Alfred&Matthew)
Rating:..G? uh.
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: Alfred and Matty after the liberation of Normandy. (WWII) Dedicated to
Covered in such a catholic filth (blood, gunpowder, dirt), they stand side by side, shoulders pressed and fingers linked, centuries worth of estranged relations diminishing then for a moment of respite. Normandy looms in silence. Alfred sighs loudly in an effort to negate the absence of noise with his own; Matthew ducks his head and smiles and for once, understands.
Ludwig is gone. The air smells free. His body aches with an unaccustomed strain, but beside him, Alfred, despite all superior experience and strength, throbs with the same exhaustion, the same faded glory of a hard battle won.
They say nothing. For 2 seconds worth of a 189,341,556 second war, ex-brothers simply lean against their shovels and guns and the weights of the other, the silhouettes of their forms(tall and proud)nearly identical.
Critique welcome! Hell knows I need it.