
Nov 10, 2014 19:12

So now you'll see we have a pinned post with Hetalia related links. It's still liable to change, but I figure this was a good start. The top sites with the banners are the best places to find info/updates/scanlations.

I tried to link to official sites, but I'm sure I may be missing some. Though a few of them don't have a good Hetalia index/results page, so I didn't link them. But if you know of anything else, please let me know.

I added a few tumblr blogs that I know of that focus on official material. I don't particularly want to add unofficial material links as that would end up being a super huge list! But if you know of any similar blogs, please feel free to show me. (I did not add the blog with the volumes scanlations as I don't want to jeopardize their content. I may try to find a work around idk.)

And as usual, feel free to make other suggestions. ( =w=)/

This should give me a bit more freedom to adjust the side links as well...

community: discussion, community: mod

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