Translated blog updates from yesterday, and World Stars chapter 15

Nov 10, 2014 15:12

I linked to some of the original blog posts before, but I'll include them again to keep things orderly.
Original blog posts: (rescuing Poland), (Ukraine costume and mochi comic), (more costumes, and q&a), Hetaween ending, part 1, part 2, sleeping Ladonia and costumes, Cameron and Italy, Japan and other things
Translations by Hetascanlations.
(As a reminder: For the impatient among us, mochifever also does translations for World Stars. They are rough translations, but very, very fast, so they can help shorten the wait until Hetascanlation's version comes out. I recommend reading both.)




See you tomorrow!

> Mochi

> Details of Luxembourg

I’ll round up all the details for later!

(I'll just put a link to the long post with the costumes and the answered questions to prevent this page from stretching too far)

In fact, I should probably link everything from here on. ;)
(Hetaween ending, part 1)
Sleeping Ladonia, and three more costumes

(Hetaween ending, part 2) (England and America still being competitive, drunk Romano and a mysterious stranger ;))

Without link neccessity, Cameron and Italy:

The week of Halloween ends today, but I want to draw related pictures and such. At any rate, trick or treat!

Japan, and... I don't even know. What is that thing?

World Stars chapter 15
This time, we meet Japan.

official: manga, official: scanlation, =group: all nations, official: blog

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