What Curiosity Brings - Chapter 5: Abduction - Part 3

Dec 29, 2013 22:23

Title: What Curiosity Brings
Genre: Drama/Mystery
England, America, France, Spain, Romano, Italy, Germany, Prussia, Hungary, Austria, Japan, China, Canada, with pretty much every other secondary nation making at least one appearance
Rating: K+
Warnings: OCs (nations and humans), violence, swearing, eventual character deaths
Summary: Before everything was broken, there was the HCS. They found the world's best-kept secret: countless men and women of incredible power, beauty, and longevity. And now, they're determined to seal that secret away in stone and silence forever. Prequel to SuperSister's fic, "Human Curiosity".

"Lithy, like, this is such a bad idea!" Poland groaned, his voice tinny through the speakerphones attached to Lithuania's laptop.

-england, -china, -prussia, -canada, -hungary, fan: fic, -italy north (veneziano), -america, -spain, -france, -germany, -austria, -italy south (romano), -japan

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