Author/Artist: Peridot Tears
Genre: Drama/ Friendship/ Family
Rating: K+
Pairings/Characters: China (Wang Yao), Japan (Honda Kiku), South Korea (Im Yong Soo), England (Arthur Kirkland), America (Alfred F. Jones)
Warnings: Teensy bit of swearing (like, a word).
Disclaimer: Never, ever, ever.
Summary: Why choose to be mortal, when one can be immortal? This is a different world, and it is quiet here, where the ghosts of a past threaten to overcome with kind killing. Yao and Gilbert, with their young lives, can only slowly learn. Gakuen Hetalia AU.
Tl;dr -- in which jealousy originated in Korea and England lamely spews exposition.
"It's not bloody WEED, a'right? -- I smoke better, more high-class stuff than that," said England for the fake cut that was actually an FF link.)